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Пишет marinni ([info]marinni)
@ 2009-07-16 17:11:00

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Разные сокровища.

Шедевры декоративного искусства и драгоценная утварь.

Из Музея Метрополитен, Лувра, Риксмузея,коллекции Ротшильда и других интернет-источников.

Art Work: Snail with Nautilus Shell
Artist: Jeremias Ritter (Master 1605–06, died 1646) German, Nuremberg

CELLINI, Benvenuto

Crosse L'Annonce aux berger Artist : Anonymous
Model : Dieu Ange Mouton
Date : XVIth century
Material : Rock crystal, Gilded silver
Acquisition : Legs du baron Adolphe de Rotschild (1901)

Crosse L'Annonce aux berger

Crosse L'Annonce aux berger

Anonyme- L'Agneau mystique
Pendentif reliquaire
XVIth century

Статуэтка 'Мужчина со страусом'
Серебро, драгоценные камни, жемчуг; резьба, чеканка, полировка. 11.8х10х7.5 см
Саксония. Первая четверть 18 в.

Nautilus cup
Silver gilt, nautilus shell, glass and enamel, height 27 cm, diameter 10 cm

Nef of Saint Ursula
c. 1500
Gold and silver, enamel
Palais de Tau, Reims

Table Nef (The Burghley Nef)
Silver, 35 x 20 cm
Victoria and Albert Museum, London

Schlьsselfelder Ship
Partially gilded silver, height 79 cm
Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg

Nef Artist : Esaias Zur Linden
Date : approx. between 1609 and 1620 Material : Gilded silver, Silver

Nef-Esaias Zur Linden
Date : approx. between 1609 and 1620

Clock called "The Chariot of Diana"
c. 1610
Ebony, gilt bronze, 31 x 41 x 17 cm
Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan

Golden Horse
before 1405
Treasury, Altцtting

Triangular salt-cellar with cover
Silver, parcel-gilt, height 30 cm
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Mother Earth (or Merkel) table decoration
Silver-gilt and polychromed enamel, height 100 cm
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

KRUG, Hans I
Apple Cup
Silver, embossed and partially cast, height 21,6 cm
Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg

CELLINI, Benvenuto
Salt Cellar
Gold, enamel and ebony, 26 x 33,5 cm
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

CELLINI, Benvenuto
Salt Cellar
Gold, enamel and ebony, 26 x 33,5 cm
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

FRIESS, Joachim
Diana and the Stag
c. 1620
Silver, partially gilt, height 38 cm
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Celestial Globe with Clockwork, dated 1579
Movement by Gerhard Emmoser (Austrian, active 1556, died 1584)
Made in Vienna, Austria
Case of silver, partly gilt, and gilt brass; movement of brass and steel

Lion’s Jug
Artist: Heinrich Dumeisen
(born 1653, Master before 1680, died 1723)
Silver gilt
Swiss, Rapperswil, 1688

Automaton in the form of a chariot pushed by a Chinese attendant and set with a clock, 1766
Signed by James Cox (English, ca. 1723–1800)
Case: gold, with diamonds and paste jewels set in silver; pearls; dial: white enamel; movement: brass, partly gilded, and steel; the balance wheel and cock of silver set with paste jewels

The Adams Vase, 1893–95
Paulding Farnham (American, 1859–1927), designer; Tiffany & Company (American, 1837–present), manufacturer and retailer
Gold, amethysts, quartzes, spessartites, tourmalines, freshwater pearls, enamel

JAERSVELT, Reijnier van
Covered goblet
Gilt silver, pearls and glass, height 27 cm
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

GERMAIN, François-Thomas
Terrine and salver
Silver gilt, 36 x 59 cm
Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon

CLAESZ., Leendert
Silver-gilt, height 24,8 cm
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Covered cup
Silver gilt, height 40 cm
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Covered tureen and platter
Designed by Juste-Aurèle Meissonnier (French, 1695–1750)
Made by Henri-Guillaume Adnet (French, 1638–1745) and François Bonnestrenne (French, 1682–after 1740)
France, 1734–40
Courtesy of Cleveland Museum of Art

Teakettle and stand
Joseph Richardson, Sr. (1711–1784)
Philadelphia, PA, 1745–55
Yale University Art Gallery, Mabel Brady Garvan Collection

Charles-Nicolas Odiot-Fontaine à thé
Date : near 1840
Material : Silver, Ivory

Charles-Nicolas Odiot-Fontaine à thé

Marc-Augustin Lebrun -Fontaine à thé
Date : near 1845
Material : Silver

Marc-Augustin Lebrun -Fontaine à thé

Marc-Augustin Lebrun -Fontaine à thé

Pièce d'un service à thé et à café François-Désiré Froment-Meurice (1802-1855)
Service à thé et à café
around 1839

Pièce d'un service à thé et à café
Service à thé et à café
François-Désiré Froment-Meurice
around 1839

Pièce d'un service à thé et à café
Service à thé et à café
François-Désiré Froment-Meurice
around 1839

А это бронза, она мне просто очень понравилась!:)

Aristotle Ridden by Phyllis, ca. 1400
Southern Netherlands or Eastern France (Lorraine)

Еще очень красивые и редкие кубки-наутилусы и вазы из перламутра, золота и серебра :http://marinni.livejournal.com/206502.html


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2009-07-16 11:02 (ссылка)
Восхищает,зная,какими инструментами это делалось! Челлини!

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2009-07-16 11:37 (ссылка)
Великие есть великие...:)

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