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Пишет marinni ([info]marinni)
@ 2009-07-25 13:02:00

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Alfred Mainzer

Alfred Mainzer-кошки, мышки, собачки.

Alfred Mainzer- его открытки с кошками выпускались в 40-60 годы и были очень популярны. Кошки, собачки и мышки у него в самых разных жизненных ситуациях- от праздников и отдыха до трудовых будней. Картинки уморительные! Много его открыток продается на аукционах, а в сети качественных изображений мало, вот то,что удалось найти:




Circa 1950

Еще только что нашла много, но маленьких картинок, позже их тоже выложу.

Those postcards, known as Mainzer Dressed Cats postcards, were originally published from the 1940's through the 1960's by Alfred Mainzer Inc. in New York City. The early postcards had a rough finish, brilliant colors, and scalloped edges. They were printed in Switzerland, Belgium, Turkey, Thailand, and Spain. An additional series of Mainzer dressed cats were published as the "Kunzli edition" - these appear to be set in older European environments, and are typically not as brightly colored as the American editions. (This one is one of them) Mainzer also did a smaller series of "dressed dogs," "dressed mice," and "dressed hedgehogs".

