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Пишет marinni ([info]marinni)
@ 2009-08-16 17:07:00

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Старинная вышивка

Старинная вышивка- мебель, картины, сундучки.

An antique STUMPWORK - NEEDLEWORK. Старинные вышитые сундучки, картины, подушки, мебель,шкатулки и даже ковры ( а были еще вышитые кружева и платки).

Если бы не [info]anastgal @lj,-замечательный человек, интереснейший ЖЖ которой очень многие знают,в комплиментах он не нуждается- заслуженно в самом топе Рунета (а кто не знает- очень советую зафрендить!)- этого поста бы не было.
Я, в поисках старинной мебели, на сайте Королевской коллекции увидела необыкновенно красивый вышитый сундучок-ларец. Но картинку надо было копировать по-хитрому, а я, несмотря на подробнейшие инструкции [info]anastgal @lj,не смогла разобраться. Так она мне сама все ракурсы сундучка скопировала, а времени это занимает очень много! Спасибо ей огромное за отзывчивость и помошь!!! Ну а сундучок за собой целую галерею вышитых предметов потянул...

Вот он- шедевр рукоделия, подарок королю Георгу V-

Эту небыкновенную STUMPWORK-работу даже нельзя принять за вышивку с первого взгляда- все обьемное и похоже на вязаное,- но это именно вышивка, очень популярная в те годы. Девочек из благородных семей с детства учили вышивке, и они (а также воспитанницы монастырей и приютов) вышивали такие сундучки для мелочей.

An antique stumpwork masterpiece garden -1765г.
Мне довелось держать в руках старинные вышивки на камзолах и платьях Екатерины II,красоты неописуемой, (я специально пошла работать на фильм, который снимался в Эрмитаже, чтобы побывать в запасниках и посмотреть костюмы). Там такие богатства, но этого никто не видит! И фото хороших нет совсем, те, что есть- бледная копия...Но и западные музеи не лучше- фото просто ужасные, их единицы -пришлось большинство картинок искать на антикварно-аукционных сайтах.

Embroidery on silk panels, mounted onto a wooden base
About 1660s
This casket came originally from the Smart family of Norcott Hall, Hertfordshire. Family history associates it with a visit to the house by Charles II. It passed by inheritance to Elizabeth Smart, who married John Loxley in the 19th century.

Embroidered Box

England, 1662
Silk, metalic thread, sead pearls, wood, metal, raised embroidery

wonderful casket (1660-85). Not sure if this is an approximate date or a documented very long UFO. some of my pieces could have a 25 year completion time! The casket was in a glass case so the photos are not perfect. the picture of “Eliezer adorning Rebecca with wedding gifts”.


Embroidered Casket, 1650 - 1680 (Accession Number - 1972.54)

The embroidered casket dates from between 1650 to 1680. It display an immensely rich collection of colours, materials, stitches and imagery. Unfortunately we do not know the origins of this casket. The fact that it has survived is no doubt due to a high regard for the work of an ancestor.

The fashion for small needlework pictures flowered in the Reign of Charles I, flourished during the Commonwealth and the Restoration of Charles II and withered by the end of the seventeenth century. Yet raised or embossed work, as it is called, was not a new technique; it had been practised by professional embroiderers on the continent of Europe for more than a century.

Embroidered Casket
pre 1665

Barbara and Roy Hirst's Millennium Casket
Take an in-depth look at an incredible feat of virtuoso needlework

1671 - 1668
Embroidered casket, with silver trinkets (1671). Band sampler (1668). Needlepoint sampler (1669). Worked by a child between the age of 8 and 11. In casket, small group of silver trinkets given to Martha as reward for her skill in embroidering.

Member of the Bourne family
Museum of Lancashire
circa 1660
An embroidered Late Stuart casket in an 18th century case. The embroidered panels reflect typical 17th century iconography with its choice of religious subjects from the Old and New Testaments and emblematic scenes representing the seasons. The carrying case is covered with 18th century hand-painted wallpaper.

Подробные фото:

Whitworth Art Gallery
circa 1670
Flat topped needlework casket with leather travelling case. Casket embroidered with mythological scenes. Front panel consists of 2 doors.

Embroidered casket

Embroidered casket

Resource Rights Holder: Victoria & Albert museum

Embroidered casket
Martha Edlin
Panels of satin, embroidered with silks and metal thread
Width 31cm x height 24.5cm x depth 29cm

Caskets like this were used by girls from well-off families in the 17th century for storing small personal possessions. The caskets were fitted inside with a variety of compartments, suitable for keeping jewellery, cosmetics, writing equipment and letters, needlework tools, tiny toys or keepsakes. They often had mirrors set into their lids, for dressing, and sometimes had secret drawers, in which to keep particularly precious possessions. The cost of the materials and the involvement of a cabinet-maker in making up such a box means tha it could only be made within a household which could afford such outlay.


17C Embroidered casket
Victoria and Albert Museum - British Galleries

Пример такой вышивки-Victoria and Albert Museum - British Galleries

Martha Edlin Embroidered Casket 1671 at V&A

--------И шедевр рукоделия, подарок королю Георгу V- еще раз спасибо огромное [info]anastgal @lj за то, что она "вытащила" эти картинки!!!


Stumpwork Casket
c. 1660

Pine, satin, silk thread, wire, gilt metal

Presented to George V by Lord Plender (1861-1946) in 1932


Embroidered caskets decorated with raised or stumpwork were produced in England in considerable numbers in the period 1660-90 by young girls, almost invariably amateurs, practising their needlework skills. This casket, which is of exceptional quality, includes a rare pastoral ‘tableau’ on its lid and depicts popular Old Testament subjects including that of David and Bathsheba.

---------Игрушечный сундучок 17 века-пример девичьего школьного рукоделия-----------------

17th Century English Casket

Having completed a band or whitework sampler, schoolgirls in 17th Century England may have finished their educations by embroidering panels to be placed on small cabinets. Caskets were box-shaped cabinets with a flat or domed lid, and two doors in front that opened to a nest of drawers. These functioned as containers for valuables such as jewelry, scent bottles, writing equipment, needlework tools, or any other additional items treasured by the owner. The embroidered and elaborately decorated cabinets were placed on a table or dressing table in the maker’s bedchamber.
А эти шкатулки я уже показывала -

English Needlework Sewing Casket Circa 1624 Depicting The Judgment Of Paris-
сундучок для рукоделия 17 века, такие вышивались юными воспитанницами приютов и монастырей.

аллегорические сюжеты, сценки с Венерой и Адонисом.

English Needlework Sewing Casket Circa 1624 Depicting The Judgment Of Paris

A circa 1624 English needlework casket depicting scenes from the life of Venus worked in colored silks. The top depicting the judgment of Paris, the front, back and sides with Venus and Adonis. The interior is fitted with various compartments, drawers, some hidden, a pair of original mercury glass bottles, a writing tray with ink and pounce pots. The inside is lined in salmon pink silk, marbled paper and colored prints including the sacrifice of Isaac and the wise and foolish virgins on the inside door.

Allegorical and biblical subjects, along with portraits of monarchs, were the most common themes for the decoration of a seventeenth-century box. The majority show biblical scenes, although these are sometimes combined with depictions of the Senses or the Seasons. Typically young girls of 12 years of age and of wealth stitched the scenes for the box…imagine

Price: $12,000.00 USD

Late 17th Century English Silk Embroidered Sewing Casket

Late 17th Century English Silk Embroidered Sewing Casket

А это очень редкое вышитое зеркало.
This stumpwork, or raised work, mirror frame was reputedly made in Amesbury, Buckinghamshire, England, c. 1670, and depicts King Charles II with Catherine of Braganza whom he married in 1662.

--------------Вышитые картины------------------

This beadwork basket, c. 1675, said to be made by 20-year-old Elizabeth Clarke (1655-99), is lavishly decorated with three-dimensional flowers, leaves, acorns, and lemons. The couple in the arbor are worked on satin according to needlewoman and author Thomasina Beck.

Это гобелен-как пример, с них брали сюжеты для вышивок.
Though this detail from The Temptation of Adam and Eve does not feature stumpwork, it does show the use of nature as inspiration for needlework in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Рисунок в книге- фото старинной вышивки.

Type: Needlework
Era: 19th Century
Origin: English
Style: Victorian
Material: Linen

England mid-17th century needlework picture
Prints of allegorical subjects were widely sold in England in the first quarter of the 17th century. Subjects such as the "Five Senses" were stitched on pictures, cabinets, and mirrors. This exquisitely stitched piece depicts; Hearing, Sight, Smell, Touch, and Taste.

Story of Esther c. 1650

A beautifully stitched canvas work picture depicting the entire Old Testament story of Esther worked in England by an unknown stitcher. The windows in the castle are covered with mica which makes them highly reflective. This is a common but effective technique used to enhance 17th century needlework. The needlework is extremely fine with 2,300 stitches per square inch, approximately 650,000 stitches in total.

Early English 17th century flatwork needlework picture depicting Abraham & Isaac. The stitching is unusually fine about 75 stitches per inch. The entire piece is covered with stitching, no background canvas is showing. Except for one minor hole near Abraham's beard the condition and color are excellent.

Early English Needlework picture depicting Hagar & Ishmael circa 1650.

Bead, Wirework and Stumpwork On White Satin
King Charles...and his queen, Catherine
Circa 1660-1670

Antique needlework canvas work picture American or English circa 1750 depicting a fashionably dressed lady sitting near a cottage in a bucolic setting enjoying the beauty of nature.

This graphic and pleasing needlework picture retains its original wallpaper backing with outlines of the original brackets used for attaching to a fire screen pole.

Deming family antique silk embroidered Coat of Arms, Hartford, CT
Virtue alone Ennobles

Margaret Hammond canvas work needlework picture dated 1775.
A note on the back indicates Margaret stitched this at Miss Huggerford's school near Boston, Massachusetts.
Margaret stitched this overall needlework picture of a vase of flowers that fills the entire framed area, probably to be used as a pole screen. The colors are intentionally subtle, but the effect is very rich and pleasing.
There are three known similar examples. This is the largest and the only one signed and dated.

Mary Carpenter Wyatt, Philadelphia, PA, 1799

Adoration of the Christ Child" Folwell school, Philadelphia, PA c. 1820.

Silk embroidery, Jeptha's Rash Vow, Hartford, CT c.1820



Sampler, Easton, PA circa 1830 Ralston School

This very large and colorful sampler is an excellent example of a group of samplers that were stitched at the Mary Ralston School in Easton, Pennsylvania. The large building in the center is the house where Mary Ralston ran her school.

Silk on silk embroidery worked using a wide variety of stitches. Although the faces are worn the needlework is exquisite.

The Apple Pickers
Silk, chenille and paint on silk
Possibly Boston (Miss. Payne's Academy)
Circa 1810


Mourning Embroidery And Watercolor
Inscribed on the glass...
Wrought By Eliza J.C. Hudson Age 12 Years-1826


17th Century Silkwork Picture of Lady Francis Stewart

18th Century Silkwork Picture of Christ & Woman of Samaria

17th Century Stumpwork Picture
of King Solomon & the Queen of Sheeba

Late 18th Century Silkwork of a Finch on Chenille Branch
Finch with applied Silk Feathers

A 17th Century Needlework Picture
worked in coloured silks on to a silk ground
depicting War & Peace in later rosewood frame - circa 1690


French Petitpoint Needlepoint


------------Еще старинные примеры вышивки-

Margaret Layton and her embroidered jacket 1600

Embroidered book cover

17C Embroidery

16-17C Gloves

Митенки-Pair of mittens
About 1600
Crimson velvet and white satin, embroidered with silver and silver-gilt thread, coloured silks, beads and spangles (sequins)

Abigail Pett's Bed Hanging at V&A Museum

17C pouch with embroidery

17C Embroidery - flower motif

16-17C Embroidery

16-17C Embroidery

16-17C Embroidery

Bodice, 1700-29. Museum no. 494-1902
Linen, corded and embroidered with silk thread

-------------19 век-------------------------

Closer - C. Lacroix dress 1996

А это- вышитые стульчики и мебель, были очень популярны.

circa 1705
These stools form part of the extremely grand early 18th-century bedroom suite that has been at Warwick Castle since at least 1807. The suite was reputedly made for Queen Anne and undoubtedly made for an exceptionally grand – probably ‘state’ – bedroom. The stools are upholstered with a high ‘lip’ on all four sides to hold a square cushion. The highly accomplished upholstery is particularly interesting as this form was unknown until the appearance of these pieces and it casts new light on the operations of the London upholstery trade.

Flemish Armchair with Original Ebonized Surface & 1720 Needlepoint Covering

A superb George III mahogany open armchair with upholstered seat and back, having outward scrolled arms, blind fret carved legs and an open fretwork stretcher, supported on casters. The needlepoint is French, 18th century

English antique dining room chairs (pair). 19th century, needlepoint upholstery

L xv needlepoint chair

Antique Bamboo Embroidered Chair

Victorian balloon back parlor chair with needlepoint upholstery.

chinoiserie Needlepoint Chair

img src="http://janislipson.com/images/antiques/large/Needlepoint-detail-seat.jpg"width=400>
chinoiserie Needlepoint Chair

chinoiserie Needlepoint Chair

Blue and Gold chippendale style Sofa

Blue and Gold chippendale style Sofa




. This antique settee has fine had carving work and needlepointed fabric design that is in perfect condition, boasting the ever so wonderful fine French woven style.

antique settee

Rare 19th C. French Gilt Bronze & Silk Embroidery Face Screen Pair

Needlepoint stool

Needlepoint bench

Charming Antique French Petitpoint Face Screen, Boy and Dog -1800

Louis XV style bench, butterfly needlepoint seat,

Louis XV style painted round bench, floral needle point seat

Louis XVI style footstool,19th Century French beach scene fabric seat

Needlepoint Chair

А это очень реко встречается- вышитая крышка стола.
Beautiful Philladelphia Tilt Top table. c.1810.
Original Needlepoint top, carved acanthus leaves on knees w/pad feet. This table comes to us from a private estate decended from the Bishop museum...

--------------Подушки- так много интересных, что нужен отдельный пост--------------------

“The Sighthounds” Large Needlepoint pillow

19th Century French Needlepoint Pillow

Charming Antique 19th Century French Needlepoint Pillow

Были еще вышитые целиком покрывала и ковры(!)

Ковров и покрывал красивых тоже очень много, так что придется делать отдельный пост, атакже еще нашла обалденные кружева и носовые платки, как у них терпения хватало на такую ювелирную работу- я не представляю... Ковер вышить- в голове не укладывается!))

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2009-12-28 09:17 (ссылка)
Ой- много:) И сколько еще в музеях и хранилищах, в библиотеках- зайдешь на сайт и оторваться невозможно!

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