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Пишет marinni ([info]marinni)
@ 2009-08-17 12:01:00

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Танцовщицы и актрисы на старинных фотографиях

Танцовщицы и актрисы в костюмах и без на старинных фотографиях.

Louise Brooks.

The Prima Donna, 1928

Fall fashions at the Hotel Astor
Keystone View Company, New York,
c. 1920

African American vaudeville group in blackface (1920s).

Club Prudhom African American female dancers and man in center front with cane, ca. 1930's

Josephine Baker

The Cotton Club Revue, a 1938 tour through South America, with some of the Silver Belles as young dancers

Radium Dance Group, ca 1905

Dancer, ca. 1904

Ruth St. Denis, ca. 1915

The McCoy Sisters 1916

Uncle Sam's Follies, 1925

Belly dancer, 1910

Morgan Dancers, 1923

Saidie Sellyna, ca. 1919

Denishawn Dancers, 1923

Paul Tcherinkoff's Russian dancers, 1923

Undated photo, probably from the 1920s.

Entertainers, 1926

Ruth St. Denis, ca. 1912

Wikipedia: La Sylphe was an exotic American dancer who became a sensation while performing at the Follies Bergere in the 1890s. Her true name was Edythe Lambelle.


Maori men in traditional clothing doing haka dance (war dance). Taken between 1890 and 1920. From the Library of Congress

Geoffrey Holder, 1954


Jean Haskall and Kathleen Kay on a Pacific beach. Keystone View Co., London.

Sennett Bathing Beauties


Lilian Bond.

by Alfred Cheney Johnston, before 1920.

---------Просто понравились-

A maid and her vacuum cleaner-
почтовая открытка- дама с пылесосом

Louise Cromwell, 1911
Henrietta Louise Cromwell Brooks (c. 1890 - May 30, 1965) was an American socialite and the first wife of General Douglas MacArthur. (Wikipedia)


WWI patriotic postcard illustrated by Arthur Butcher. Printed in England. Divided back, writing on reverse but not posted.

Illustration by Alice Luella Fidler, 1912. Printed in the U.S. Divided back, unused.

Еще цирковые артисты и танцовщицы:http://marinni.livejournal.com/309347.html

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2009-08-17 05:26 (ссылка)
В фотобанках, поисковиках, на фликре. Там много и некачественных, но попадаются и очень хорошие- просто долго искать надо:))

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2009-08-17 06:30 (ссылка)
титанический труд!

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2009-08-17 07:08 (ссылка)
Зато в радость! Где еще на фото девочек из Клуб-Коттон в реале посмотришь??:)

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2009-08-17 14:01 (ссылка)
Ну, например, в библиотеке конгресса США :)

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2009-08-17 14:35 (ссылка)
Да, там очень много всего. И в Н-Й-ской тоже.

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