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Пишет marinni ([info]marinni)
@ 2009-10-10 17:28:00

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Велосипедисты. Старинные фото.

Велосипедисты. Старинные фото.

Очень интересные фотографии разных моделей велосипедов. А также дамы-велосипедистки, которые были редкостью и привлекали всеобщее внимание.

French cabinet card, c. 1900
Strongman Eugen Sandow, circa 1900

antique cabinet photo from victorian age of man with Penny farthing..richmond virginia

Invented by Pierre & Ernst Michaux. Photographer Adolf Russ, Hradec Králové/Königgratz (Bohemia, Czechia), CDV, circa 1875.

Ambrotype - Man with High Wheel Bicycle

A Bristol Victorian bicycle made for two.

Victorian cycle 1875.

This bike was called a penny-farthing and the guy seems to be very proud of his new model.


Got this photo card from Bart he bought it for me in France when he was on holliday. It is an image from arround 1915-1925 and it is taken in a garden in front of the steps to the door.

Large cabinet card of young boy on an early tricycle. Taken in Kent, Ohio by F.E. Poister on Water Street. Front of card says Carl 4 years old

Image from a stereoview pair by B.L. Lingley, 1896, Keystone View Company.

with bike antique cabinet photo from victorian age

velocipede (Bicycle) Girl and dog.. antique cabinet photo from victorian age

Victorian Bike

Girl on bike antique cabinet photo from victorian age

BURNLEY Circa 1895

Lady cyclists, Oxford, c. 1900

cdv bicycle & tricycle

Cyclist, c.1911

The curious boys in the background indicate that cycling women were not a common view around 1900.

Dustbin find. No Photographer or location. Circa 1905.

Notable expressions...Child on horse and bicycle antique cabinet photo from victorian age

Girl With Tricycle


Royal Family on their bikes

Tiny tandem

Старинная реклама велосипедов-ТУТ
Необычные старинные велосипеды-ТУТ


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2009-10-10 23:17 (ссылка)
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