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Пишет marinni ([info]marinni)
@ 2009-10-15 14:10:00

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Ангелы, играющие на музыкальных инструментах. Витражи.Продолжение.

Ангелы, играющие на музыкальных инструментах. Витражи.

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Detail of a window by Sir Edward Burne-Jones of an angel playing a trumpet. It is in Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, c.1877-8.

--------------Музицирующие ангелы-----------------------

15th century English glass, probably collected from elsewhere, at Ketteringham in Norfolk

A panel showing two tracery light lobes. The one of the left shows a much damaged angel playing a harp. That on the right shows Christ displaying his wounds and rising from a tomb - ie a 'Christ of Pity'. Above them is a yellow stain lion passant, and between the two lobes is a piece with a black and white tiles base with a pair of feet and a wooden shaft just visible. This last came from the Holy Cross window made in 1482 by Robert Power of Burton on Trent.

Tattershall, Holy Trinity, I, 2f, two tracery lobe angels

Holy Trinity, Hull, East Yorkshire

At the heart of this fascinating and elegant city sits England's largest parish church. Holy Trinity was rebuilt on a vast scale in the 15th century at the expense of the De La Pole family, and largely in red brick.

Kempe window at Bottesford.

Angel musicians

Kempe window at Bottesford.

Angel musicians

Kempe window at Bottesford.

Angel musicians

Kempe window at Boston - an angel bagpiper

Cathedral, Sheffield.

Moulins, cathedral, window

angel from Sleaford's church windows

Detail from Lawyers' window - Edwardian stained glass from Llandaff Cathedral Cardiff. This image is high in the tracery and is one of three are 'legal' angels, blowing the trumpet of justice.

Ostercappeln, Lambertuskirche, window

From the south transept of Segovia Cathedral. Unlike Salamanca Cathedral, this cathedral has stained glass in all its windows

Lincoln, cathedral, window

Lincolnshire churches
The angel is playing a most unusual instrument - a bellows supplies air to miniature organ pipes, and the tune is played on a keyboard

Cathedral, Sheffield.

Ste Anne d'Auray, exposition "concerto angélique"

Ste Anne d'Auray, exposition "concerto angélique"

Ste Anne d'Auray, exposition "concerto angélique"

Ste Anne d'Auray, exposition "concerto angélique"

Ste Anne d'Auray, exposition "concerto angélique"

le Faouët Ste Barbe orgue

le Faouët Ste Barbe orgue

Detail of west window in the north aisle of the nave in St Wulfram's church. Made by William Wailes of Newcastle c1857. Damaged by a storm in 1979 it was redesigned by John Hayward to show the Nativity scene, of which these musical angels form a detail.

One of Christopher Webb's musucal angel. St Mary's, Welywyn.

Edwardian stained glass at Holy Trinity Church, Bracknell, Berkshire. This musical angel is part of a larger window and is the work of Herbert Bryans. It dates from 1920

St Cecilia
A lovely detail of the patron saint of music, whose feast is today, 22 November, from the church of St Sepulchre in the City of London

detail from 'Adoration of the Shepherds and Angels' by Anning Bell, 1911. In the north aisle of Hethersett church, Norfolk.

A song was heard at Christmas
Hethersett, Norfolk

Angel stained glass at Holy Trinity, Weston

Stanhoe, Norfolk


Heirs Of Salvation
Section of the W.Morris/E.Burne-Jones Angel stained glass window at SS. Peter & Paul, Cattistock.

William Morris.
St Mary Magdalene, Westerfield, Ipswich

This figure of an angel holding a portative organ was designed by William Morris.

Angelic trumpeter
Detail of a window by Sir Edward Burne-Jones of an angel playing a trumpet. It is in Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, c.1877-8.

Cattistock, Dorset, angel with dulcimer
This figure of an angel holding a dulcimer was to a design by William Morris.

Cecilia's musical fame rests on a passing notice in her legend that she praised God, singing to him, as she lay dying. When the Academy of Music was founded at Rome (1584) she was made patroness of the institute, whereupon her veneration as patroness of church music in general became still more universal.

This beautiful window in Oxford's Cathedral of the saint by Sir Edward Burne Jones is justly famous. She is shown playing and organ while flaked by two angels playing a psaltery and a viol. These angels are also holding palms, symbols of victory gained by martyrdom.

Detail of Morris & Co stained glass from Malmesbury Abbey, Wiltshire. It is to a design by Edward Burne-Jones and shows an angel playing what looks to be a psaltery. The image is in the tracery and dates from some time after 1900.

Who Shall Be

Section of the W.Morris/E.Burne-Jones Angel stained glass window at SS. Peter & Paul, Cattistock.

"Today you shall know that the Lord will come, and in the morning you will see his glory!" - Lauds antiphon for 24 December.

This window of angelic musicians is from the St Catherine chapel in Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford. It is by Edward Burne-Jones.

Angels in adoration
Detail from the Ascension window in St Mary's, Buckland.
William Morris and friends

All Saints, Horstead, Norfolk

Interesting church in a village which forms a suburb of Coltishall. The church was rebuilt in the 19th Century, and has an excellent range of 19th and 20th cnetury glass. The best is a Burne-Jones design for William Morris, and other good glass is by the Kempe and Hardman workshops.



Walsoken, Norfolk

Kempe window at Bottesford


South aisle window at Sleaford, 1903. Angel

Bottesford Lady Chapel angels

Archangels Gabriel & Michael, in the west window of the tower at Wychnor, part of a sequence in the south aisle here of early 20th century windows by the London firm of Burlison & Grylls.

detail from 'Adoration of the Shepherds and Angels' by Anning Bell, 1911. In the north aisle of Hethersett church, Norfolk.

detail from 'Adoration of the Shepherds and Angels' by Anning Bell, 1911. In the north aisle of Hethersett church, Norfolk.

------------------Llandaff Cathedral -------------------

Dixon window (detail), Llandaff

Dixon window (detail), Llandaff

Dixon window (detail), Llandaff

Dixon window (detail), Llandaff

Scales of Justice, Llandaff

Sword of Justice, Llandaff
Еще по теме:
Музицирующие ангелы,скульптура и витражи-ТУТ
ангелы, играющие на музыкальных инструментах- деревянная скульптура-ТУТ

Burne Jones и William Morris- витражи и церковные росписи-ТУТ

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2009-10-15 13:54 (ссылка)
именно это я имела ввиду: войны, революции, вандализм, фанатизм атеистов и т.д.

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