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Пишет marinni ([info]marinni)
@ 2009-11-13 12:25:00

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Русалки и другие морские обитатели.

Русалки и другие морские обитатели.

Морских богов и чудовищ известно много- Нептун (Посейдон), Тритон, русалки, сирены, нереиды. Постараюсь в них разобраться, так как старинных картинок и предметов с их изображениями нашлось много, и очень хороших. В этом посте- больше русалки, дальше будут и другие морские персонажи.

Царство Нептуна
The kingdom of Neptune.] (1587)

Galatea, standing in a large shell drawn by two dolphins swimming to the right, accompanied by tritons, nereids and a cupid; above, four cupids carrying bows and arrows
Print made by Marcantonio
After Raphael

Морские боги и чудовища:

A court concert.
Alternate Title: Fac-simile of a copper engraving from the "Ballet de la Royne," by Balthazar de Beaujoyeulx. (Paris, Mamert Patisson, 1582, in quarto).

Neptune and Prometheus ; Neptune on his chariot] (1872-1887)

Neptune. Neptune with two hippocampus] (15--)

Images of the Ancient World / Mythology -- Neptune

Neptune and Amphitrite.
From Atlas der griechischen Kunstmythologie

After Albrecht Dürer
Formerly attributed to Georg Pencz
Amymone carried away by a sea-god; copy after Dürer (Meder 66); the sea-god to right, Amymone on his back; landscape background with a town at left.

Sea gods, at far right a naked god blows an elaborate horn, in the centre one rides a sea horse and at left two ride in a carriage
Print made by Monogrammist HFE

Two sea monsters riding the waves
1580-1610 (fl)
Giovanni Andrea Maglioli

Print made by Giovanni Andrea Maglioli
1580-1610 (fl)
Giovanni Andrea Maglioli (Print made by); A naked mermaid seen from behind holding on to a sea monster riding the waves Engraving

A winged naked woman holding on to a seahorse
Print made by Giovanni Andrea Maglioli
1580-1610 (fl

Giovanni Andrea Maglioli (Print made by); A merman and a woman riding the ocean with a sea horse Engraving

Jan Philipsz. van Bouckhorst (Drawn by); Coat of arms of Haarlem supported by mermaids. 1625 Pen and brown ink and brown wash

Teodoro Ghisi Triton
(b Mantua, 1536; d 1601). Painter, draughtsman, illustrator and naturalist, brother of (1) Giorgio Ghisi. He indulged this further in his illustrations for Pietro Candido Decembrio's De animantium naturis (Rome, Vatican, Bib. Apostolica, MS. Urb. lat. 276). In general his work is more realistic than imaginative.

Mermaid Teodoro Ghisi 16 век
illustrations for Pietro Candido Decembrio


Drawn by Albert Flamen
Albert Flamen (Drawn by); Scroll design for an ornamental title, one of 68 drawings of birds and fish; an oval comprising mermaids and fish intertwi...

St Christopher; the saint carries the infant Christ accross a river; at the shore to the right stands the hermit with a lantern; in the water are two mermaids, two the right swim two swans and in the background is a boat; the night-sky is indicated by horizontal hatching
Print made by Master ES (

Master ES (After); Israhel van Meckenem (Print made by); St Christopher; the saints carries the Child, who is holding the orb, through the river


Jost Amman (Print made by); Coat of arms of the Flechtner family; a helmet with feathers, above two elephant trunks, below a mermaid facing left.
Print made by Jost Amman

Ornament designs (Hollstein 157-160); Gerard Valck (Published by); Ornamental design with a front and back view of a mermaid surmounted by an owl

Print made by Johann Theodor de Bry

Coat of arms of a duke of Mantua; cartouche surrounded by grotesque heads, fruit and flowers and supported by a mermaid and with a crown above, flanked by the standing figures of Abundance, to left, holding a cornucopia, and Peace, to right, holding an olive branch. 1590-1595
Print made by Agostino Carracci

Plate 6: Mercury; whole-length figure, stepping to left, holding the caduceus in his right hand, the left arm akimbo; a mermaid representing Virgo at left, two fighting children as Gemini at right; from a series of seven engravings of the planetary gods with their signs of the zodiac. c.1539

Printed by Giovanni Battista Pasquati

Attributed to Lelio Orsi
Neptune surrounded by minor deities; two mermaids supporting a canopy above him, a man at left blowing a horn, two deities in the foreground, seen from behind, one with a cornucopia
Pen and brown ink, with brown wash, heightened with white, on blue prepared paper

Mermaids and mermen pulling a scallop shell upon which sit a musician and two soldiers. 1579

Mermaids and mermen staning near a dove-drawn scallop upon which stands Venus and putti. 1579
Feste nelle nozze del serenissimo don Francesco Medici gran duca di Toscana; et della sereniss. sua consorte la sig. Bianca Capello (Festivities for the marriage of Francesco Medici grand Duke of Tuscany to Bianca Capello)

Neptune and female figure in chariot, surrounded by mermen, mermaids and horses with fishes' tails.. 1602
Published by Jan Moretus

Print made by Cornelis Bloemaert
Mythological scene with Glaucus as a sea creature (or merman) and holding the magical herb, the fish he caught as a fisherman escaping from their nets beyond; after Abraham van Diepenbeeck; illustration on page 219 from Marolles' "Temple des Muses" (Paris, Nicolas Langlois: 1655). c.1635-1638

Giovanni Battista Caccioli (Drawn by); A mermaid or a siren, seen from behind, lying on a rock by the sea with the prow of a ship on the horizon
Drawn by Giovanni Battista Caccioli

De Meerman van 't Noorder Gewest
broadside on the South Sea Bubble, satirising the devastating effects of the speculation on the trading market by likening it to the silting up of the harbour of Enkhuizen; with an engraving showing a fantastic sea vessel with Neptune inside, pulled by mermaids, in the background a view of the harbour at Enkhuizen blocked by sandbanks; with engraved inscriptions, title, and verses in two columns. (n.p.: [1720])

A broadside on the attempted seduction of the Netherlands by France; with an engraving showing an allegory, in the centre an Orange tree guarded by a lion, on the left a mermaid trying to entice the lion, above is an owl carrying a letter, a branch, and a sword, on the R a clergymen and a cock; underneath this image a small engraving with two grotesque faces; with letterpress French and Dutch verses and texts in two columns, and with one vertical segment of type ornament. [n.p.: [1747])

Triton with the Nereid

Triumph of Galatea, supported by mermaids. 1763
Print made by Jacques Firmin Beauvarlet

Design for a fan (?); rococo-style architectural features comprising a central canopy over a nude statue flanked by putti, a colonnade linking canopied structures at either side, in front of which are peacocks, a fountain with two mermaids at lower centre. 1799
Pen and black ink, with watercolour

Caricature of Rabaut-Saint-Etienne dressed in cloak with mermaid tail, who planes the Constitution on his workbench. November 1791
Etching and aquatint

A mermaid on rocks, waving her arms over the body of a man slumped before her; outline illustration for John Young's 'Catalogue of Pictures by British Artists in the Possession of Sir John Fleming Leicester'. 1821

Four etchings printed from four different plates on one sheet; one is showing a man with a fishing rod trying to catch mermaids and another aiming to pick babies from a nest, which is guarded by a winged figure wearing glasses; the other three show one decorative tankard each. 1845

Print made by Max Klinger
In the centre, three naked figures surrounded by waves and crushed by a giant rock, inscribed "Menzel", which is held by two arms, supposedly belonging to God, coming down from the sky. Two mermaids in the foreground and a decorative border with grotesque masks to the left.

The mermaid; holding mirror in left hand, right resting on musical (?) instrument, as well as fish tail, also with animal-like haunches and claw-like feet, another figure entangled in her tail at r. 1906
Pen and black ink
Drawn by Herbert Cole


Drawn by Herbert Cole
Mermaid; whole-length nude female figure, without mermaids fish tail, wrestling with a serpent on the seabed. 1915
Pen and black ink

Drawn by Herbert Cole

Print made by Charles Hazelwood Shannon

In 1927, famed American painter N.C. Wyeth completed a series of five murals for Hubbard Memorial Hall, the National Geographic Society's first formal library. Called "The Romance of Discovery," the murals were flanked by highly illustrated maps of the eastern and western hemispheres showing the paths taken by some of the world's most significant explorers. The eastern hemisphere map is decorated with portraits of these men charting their courses. The western hemisphere features Poseidon and a mermaid keeping watch over the oceans

A Close View of N.C. Wyeths Map of Discovery of the Western Hemisphere

A Close View of N.C. Wyeths Map of Discovery of the Western Hemisphere

Crane, Walter
Hercules & the old man of the sea. (1910)

----------------------Карикатура и картинки-----------------

Published by M Jones

The Chinese fishing house- or- hooking a mermaid in virgin-water.
Print made by Charles Williams

Mermaids at Brighton
Print made by William Heath

The British neptune riding triumphant, or the carmignols dancing to the tune of Rule Britannia.satirical print; print; Isaac Cruikshank

The Prince of Whales or the fisherman at anchor.
satirical print; print; George Cruikshank

-------------Предметы в форме русалок и других морских обитателей-----------------

Found/Acquired China

Found/Acquired Guerrero

NEGROLI, Filippo
Parade Helmet
Steel and gold, height 24 cm
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Часто встречались украшения в форме русалок

print; John Faber the Elder (Print made by); Portrait of Thomas Pope, founder of Trinity College, Oxford, cap, robe, collar with badge of mermaid
Print made by John Faber the Elder

Made in Germany (?)

Made in Italy (?) (all objects)
Made in Germany (?) (all objects)

Made in Germany

Made in Naples

Brooch. Carved coral in the form of a mermaid holding a shell to her mouth, with three pendants, central pendant in the form of a dolphin.


Drawn by Hans Holbein the Younger (

Made in Augsburg (?) (all objects)

Engraved in China (nautilus shell carving, late 15th-early 16th c) (all objects)
Made in Padua (?) (all objects)
Made in Germany (South;?) (all objects)
Bequeathed by Baron Ferdinand Anselm de Rothschild

The Mermaid Ewer and Basin
1610 - 1611

Jean-Baptiste-Jules Klagmann (1810-1867)
Monarchie de Juillet
vers 1840

современная русалка

Еще нефы и кубки-наутилусы с русалками-ТУТ
Русалки в иллюстрации и рекламе 19-го -середины 20 века-ТУТ

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2009-11-13 13:29 (ссылка)
Кубки-наутилусы - моя страсть. Благодаря вам моя виртуальная коллекция пополнилась наипрекраснейшими экземплярами. Спасибо вам огромное.

(Ответить) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2009-11-13 14:27 (ссылка)
Моя тоже!:) Но их так мало! Я по-моему- все. что есть, собрала.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2009-11-13 15:49 (ссылка)
Да в сети их очень мало. У меня есть подборка натюрмортов с наутилсами, хотела её выложить, но сначала поинтересуюсь: вы случайно не выкладывали такую? Я спрашиваю, чтобы не повторятся и не перибивать у вас тему.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2009-11-16 06:49 (ссылка)
У меня несколько картинок только. А насчет повторяться- хорошие картинки не грех еще раз показать, мало ли кто когда что выкладывал. Я обычно, когда есть посты хорошие по теме,даю на них ссылку- и люди могут посмотреть все картинки, и никому не обидно:)

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2009-11-16 08:27 (ссылка)
О, тогда с вашего позволения, сделаю пост иобязательно на вас сошлюсь. Я вегда тоже повозможности даю ссылки. Правда потом оказывается иногда, что они не работают...

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2009-11-16 09:47 (ссылка)
А вы в HTML выкладываете? Там элементарно- ставите, и все.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2009-11-16 11:06 (ссылка)
Что б я знала в чём я выкладываю!:)))Делаю посты в программе Семаджик, которую установила мне дочь и в которой я особо тоже не фурычу...

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