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Пишет marinni ([info]marinni)
@ 2009-11-27 16:20:00

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Ухаживание. Галантные сценки, сентиментальные картинки и карикатуры. 17-19 век

Ухаживание и флирт. 16-19 век.

MIERIS, Willem van
The Lute Player

print study; drawingJohn Hamilton Mortimer (Drawn by); Soldier's Courtship; young man in classical armour

Jason swearing fidelity to Medea. (1896)
Рисунок гобелена

Сатирическая картинка на тему ухаживания и переменчивости женщин- скворечник, куда слетаются женихи и, отвергнутые, падают.

Ein Jungfrauen Hertz ist gleich einem Dauben Hauß (A maiden's heart is like a columbary)
Ein Jungfrauen Hertz ist gleic...satirical print; print; broads...; Monogrammist BKGF (Print made by); Social satire on courtship and the guile of women; with two women standing on either side of a birdhouse to which winged suitors are flying and from which they are falling into a lake; the female figure at left putting a suitor through a sieve; the figure at right catching a fool with a fishing rod. 1590


Title-page to Edward Phillips, 'The Misteries of Love and Eloquence: The Arts of Wooing and Complementing' (London, N. Brook, 1658); title in a heart in the centre, between the figures of Love (i.e. Cupid) and Eloquence; above, a courting couple with figures observing, and the inscription 'Theater of Courtship'; below, a man presenting a book to a woman, with the inscription 'Loves Library'
Published in London (scope note | all objects)
1658 (c.)

The science of love or the whole art of courtship [frontispiece and title page] (1792)

-----------------------Живопись и графика------------------------------

VENNE, Adriaen Pietersz. van de
Universiteits-Bibliotheek, Amsterdam

EECKHOUT, Gerbrand van den
Party on a Terrace
Oil on canvas, 54 x 64 cm
Art Museum, Worcester

BREKELENKAM, Quiringh van
Gallant Conversation
c. 1663
Oil on panel, 41 x 35 cm
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

SORGH, Hendrick Maertensz.
The Lute Player
Oil on panel, 52 x 39 cm
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

by Gerard TERBORCH
Визит жениха
The Suitor's Visit
c. 1658
Oil on canvas, 80 x 75 cm
National Gallery of Art, Washington

The Glass of Lemonade
by Gerard TERBORCH
Oil on canvas transferred from panel, 67 x 54 cm
The Hermitage, St. Petersburg

by Gerard TERBORCH
The Dancing Couple
c. 1660
Oil on canvas, 76 x 68 cm
The National Trust, Polesden Lacey

William Faithorne (Print made by); Frontispiece to Thomas Rawlins (?), 'Tunbridge-Wells: or, A day's courtship' (London, 1678);

MIERIS, Willem van
The Lute Player
Oil on wood, 50 x 41 cm
Wallace Collection, London

The unequal Courtshipprint; Anonymous (Print made by); John Bowles (Published by); Thomas Bowles II (Published by); A beautiful young woman standing holding a fan
1733-1763 (circa)

Allegory of Courtship by Philippe Mercier

by Philippe Mercier
The Proposal.

---------------------Сентиментальные картинки------------------------

After John Collet

Woman playing the harp, with two male suitors.] (1777)

Six elegant rural prints; Rust...print; drawing book; John Barlow (Print made by); Julius Caesar Ibbetson (After); Robert Sayer & Co

Rustic courtship; a shepherd with crook on his shoulder and dog, takes the hand of a milkmaid.
Drawn by William Hamilton

Felix Friedrich Von Ende (1856-)
Oil on canvas

Adrien Moreau (1843-1906)
The Courtship
Oil on canvas

Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence Vain Courtship, 1900

Federico Andreotti (1847-1930)
Flirtation in the Wine Cellar
Oil on canvas, 1867

Federico Andreotti (1847-1930)
A Day's Outing
Oil on canvas

Federico Andreotti (1847-1930)
A Tender Moment in the Garden
Oil on canvas

Federico Andreotti (1847-1930)
An Afternoon Tea
Oil on canvas

Federico Andreotti (1847-1930)
Oil on canvas

Federico Andreotti (1847-1930)
The Poem
Oil on canvas

Hunt, William Holman The Lantern-Maker's Courtship, 1854-56

--------------------Иллюстрации, бытовые и сатирические картинки----------------------

Courtship : a man and a woman outdoors, United States, 1870s.] (1875)

Amant turc qui se perce le bras devant sa maitresse pour preuve de son amour (1714)

Grenadier (1740)
Gerasch, Franz

Fuhrwesen 1730
Gerasch, Franz

Satire: a serving maid recoils as an elderly macaroni, sitting at a table with a glass, puts his arm round her waist. 20 March 1772
Print made by Philip Dawe

Painted by Thomas Clater
Print made by Thomas Hodgetts

Mais Dieu créa la coquette dès qu'il eut fait le nigaud. ([1887-1889])

Sing me that sweet song again. (1850)
Schopin, Frédéric Henri, 1804-1880 -- Artist
Sadd, Henry S. -- Engraver

"Zip coon," popular negro song, as sung by Mr. Dixon. (1889)

The light guitar. (18--)
Dick, Archibald L.

Lovers' usages in the Telemark.

"A snatched break in the toil."

Ye jovial huntsman. (1891)

Man and woman walking on the beach, United States, 1870s.] (1871)
William John, 1839-1917 -- Artist

Nestling up to him like a kitten" -- "The olive vender". (1906)


The Smithfield Courtship, being a parody on that tender song called the Thorn, by I.B. of Birmingham

Print made by Isaac Cruikshank

City courtship.

Paddy's courtship or love at first sight, being the awkward addresses of Mr. Patrick O'Shelf & the abrupt refusal of Miss Blarny satirical print; print; Laurie & Whittle (Published by); Heading to engraved verses

Harmony Before Matrimony
satirical print; print; James Gillray (Print made by); Hannah Humphrey (Published by); 1805

A Dutch Toy!!!-Or, a pretty Play-thing for a Young Princess!!! Huzza
satirical print; print; George Cruikshank (Print made by); Thomas Tegg (Published by); Princess Charlotte

Старинные открытки- влюбленные парочки и эротика-ТУТ


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2009-11-27 11:39 (ссылка)
Посмотрел, Мариша! Ну как всегда! ))) Расширяю кругозор.

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2009-11-27 12:35 (ссылка)
Спасибо:) Миша, жду рассказов!)
А кино Санаева сегодня посмотрю- все недосуг было. А вы книжку прочитали?

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2009-11-27 12:36 (ссылка)
Пытаюсь читать. )

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