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Пишет marinni ([info]marinni)
@ 2010-01-14 13:12:00

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Старинные книги с рисунками монстров.

Старинные книги с рисунками монстров.

Marco Polo,Fortunio Liceti and Gerardus Blasius -1630 и Giovanni Battista de' Cavalieri-1585

Fortunio Liceti and Gerardus Blasius -1630-1640

Marco Polo: Livre des merveilles
Opera nel a quale vie molti Mostri de tute le parti del mondo antichi et moderni ... (Monsters from all parts of the ancient and modern world)
Print made by Giovanni Battista de' Cavalieri

Giovanni Battista de' Cavalieri (publisher/printer; printmaker; Italian c.1525 - 1601)

-----Opera nel a quale vie molti Mostri de tute le parti del mondo antichi et moderni ...-------- (Monsters from all parts of the ancient and modern world)---------------------

Print made by Giovanni Battista de' Cavalieri

Title page with two winged females holding a cartouche above, two putti below. 1585

Figure with wings emerging from buttocks, a face on the torso and the head of a serpent, standing in a landscape. 1585

A young male-like figure with cloven feet many arms and heads standing in a landscape. 1585

Inscription Content: Lettered below with three lines describing the figure 'Horible et maraviglioso ... nato del 1578 nel mese de genaro.'

A male monster with four arms and two wings standing naked in the landscape. 1585

Inscription Content: Lettered below with four lines describing the sitter 'Un maragiglioso mostro aparso nouvamente nelle rive del danubio ... di queli del paese.'

A rearing centaur-like figure with human arms as front legs and webbed fingers on second pair of arms. 1585

Inscription Content: Lettered below with six lines describing the figure 'Nel paese del gra taburlano si trova cetauri .. / molestia alcuna'.

Female figure with large breasts, three eyes, deformed ears and four hands standing in a landscape. 1585

Inscription Content: Lettered below with six lines describing the figure 'In alchuni luochi della arabia sono questi ... tributario del gra cane.'

A figure with the body of a lion and face of a bearded man. 1585

Inscription Content: Lettered below with four lines describing the figure 'Sopra alcune isole del mare ... mudi ch narra el tutto.'

Male twins conjoined at the pelvis. 1585

Inscription Content: Lettered below with six lines describing the figures 'Il presente mostro e nato in congoli ferra della ... piangere et altri suoi ... .'

An ostrich-come-camel creature with the head of a man and an attenuated reptilian like winged neck. 1585

Inscription Content: Lettered below with six lines describing the figure 'Nell alpe de libia questi mostruosi di colori ... gui li capreti'.

A composite monster comprising human and oxen legs, human hands, a rotund torso and the head of a man. 1585

Inscription Content: Lettered below with six lines describing the figure 'Insul marie malore ...levante ... si gran corpo et tete.'

A figure seated on a rock with a long neck and part-human part-bird like head. 1585

Inscription Content: Lettered below with six lines describing the figure 'Nelle ultime parte de fricana al fine della terra ... veder da huomini.'

A hairy beared man with one eye and large breasts standing in the landscape. 1585

Inscription Content: Lettered below with six lines describing the monster 'Sopra lisola probana si torva tale creature humane ma sono male formati ... '.

A male figure with one huge leg and foot lying in his back in the sun. 1585

Inscription Content: Lettered below with six lines describing the figure 'In ethiopia sotto occidente sono huomeni bene formati ... di forte natura'

A standing figure with cloven feet, human arms and hands and the head of a woolf. 1585

Inscription Content: Lettered below with six lines describing the figure 'Nela terra nona di S + travata nouamente dal Re di Pottugallo ... altri animali.'

A female figure with breasts so large they wind around her arms. 1585

Inscription Content: Lettered below with six lines describing the figure 'Nelle campagne d libia si trovano ... maxime quando vedeno huomini.'

Female figure with pendulous breasts, short arms, standing on hind legs with a similar smaller figure on her back. 1585

Inscription Content: Lettered below with six lines describing the figure 'Nele aple di agypto queste sformatte creature come ... gradissimo honore'.

An enormous head with a hat upon two legs with skirt standing in the landscape. 1585

Inscription Content: Lettered below with six lines describing the monster 'Trovasi nell selve de ...uno grande capallazza per amor del grade calor ... sono realissimi huomini de bona conscientia secodo la sua lezze'.

A monster with an erect phallus and webbed wings, loosely based on a figure from Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel. 1612

Inscription Content: Lettered below with two lines describing the figure 'Sedente Iulio iii Pont Max repertam fuit in mari monstrum ... M. angelus Bonarot ... CD inc 1612.'

A naked man with a twin conjoined at the belly, standing in the landscape. 1585

Inscription Content: Lettered below with four lines describing the figure 'Sono gemalli questi due bambini ... in questo disegno.'

A creature, the right half the head of a young man, the left half the head of a wolf, standing in a landscape. 1585

Inscription Content: Lettered below with six lines describing the figure 'Nelle parte di ethiopia ... .'


Portrait of King Picino seated on a table with deformed legs. 1585

Inscription Content: Lettered above with title 'Ritratto del Re Picino in Roma 1585', below with three lines describing the sitter 'Questo monstro si vede hoggi di in Roma ... eta de anni 32 ...

A woman with no legs in elegant dress on a table. 1585

Inscription Content: Lettered below with four lines describing the sitter 'Questa monstruosa fanciula si bede il presente anno 1585 in Roma .. senza gambe ...'.

-------------------------Fortunio Liceti and Gerardus Blasius -1630-1640--------------
-------------------------De monstrorum caussis, natura, et differentiis libri duo ...---------
---------------------------- De lvminis natura et efficientia libri tres --------------------

1634 [col. 1633]
From: De monstrorum caussis, natura, et differentiis libri duo ...2. ed. corr.
By: Fortunio Liceti

Two figures showing a half human, half dog monster
Engraving 1648
From: De monstris.../Ex recensione Gerardi Blasii... qui monstra quaedam nova,,,addidit
By: Fortunio Liceti and Gerardus Blasius
Published: Heirs of P. FrambottusPadua 1668

Woman with multiple breasts
Engraving 1640

Multi-coloured people

Cyclopic Infant

Two human figures showing abnormalities

Two human figures with abnormalities

Two human figures with abnormalities

Two human figures with abnormalities

Two human figures with abnormalities

Two human figures with abnormalities

Two human figures with abnormalities

Two human figures with abnormalities

Two human figures with abnormalities

Three figures with abnormalities

Three figures with abnormalities

Two human figures with abnormalities

Three figures with abnormalities

Three human figures with abnormalities

Three figures with abnormalities

Two human heads with abnormality

A diagram of a Siamese twin with conjoined spine

A Siamese Twin

Wellcome Library, London
Two conjoined twins, both born on 28 April 1703


Немного из Марко поло, иллюстраций к книге о его путешествиях- тоже люди с собачьими головами.

Marco Polo: Livre des merveilles
BNF Ms. fr. 2810, fol. 106
Peuple des cynocéphales de Nicobar

Marco Polo: Livre des merveilles
BNF ms fr 2810 fol-76v detail
Peuple des cynocéphales d'Andaman

Marco Polo: Livre des merveilles
BNF ms fr 2810 fol-76v detail
Peuple des cynocéphales d'Andaman

Марко Поло и другие аналогичные картинки выложу еще- каких только монстров не было,в существовании многих люди были твердо убеждены.

Еще по теме:
Карлики, калеки, бродячие и цирковые артисты-ТУТ
Боги и чудовища-ТУТ

=====================Giovanni Battista de' Cavalieri=биография=========================

(publisher/printer; printmaker; Italian; Male; c.1525 - 1601)

Bury, p.224 (whence following biography)
C.L.E.Whitcombe, 'Print Publishing in sixteenth-century Rome', Turnhout, 2008, p.247

Engraver, printer and print publisher, from Villa Lagarina near Trento. Active in Venice and from 1559 in Rome. 1577 he had a bottega in Parione which he let out to a cartolaio, Girolamo Agnelli. His own house was in the vicolo di Palazzo Savelli, with a workshop next to it. He was the brother-in-law of Lorenzo Vaccari (Masetti Zannini, 1981). Record of death 23 July 1601.
Made plates for Antonio Salamanca, Lafreri and Faleti. By 1560 he seems to have been publishing his own plates. He entered into partnerships for publishing: in 1567 with Perino Zecchini de Guarlottis (Masetti Zannini, 1980) and in 1576 with Lorenzo Vaccari (TNH 100). In 1577 he was employing a printer: Francesco Cornuti (Masetti Zannini, 1981). He acquired old plates that he recut. He published plates by his contemporaries, including Cort. He himself engraved after works of many artists, including Francesco Salviati, Daniele da Volterra, Raphael, Michelangelo, Polidoro da Caravaggio, Livio Agresti and Baccio Bandinelli. He also made copies of earlier prints. His subject matter included the devotional, topographical, antiquarian, didactic and 'popular'. He published a number of important series: the 'Pontificum Romanorum Effigies' of 1580 and the 'Romanorum Imperatorum Effigies' of 1583; the 'Ecclesiae Militantis Triumphi' of 1583 and the 'Ecclesiae Anglicanae Trophaea' of 1584; the 'Antiquarum Statuarum Urbis Romae', the first book of which was first published before 1561/2 (Book 1 and 2 together, before 1584; Books 3 and 4 in 1594).

Also Known As
Cavalieri, Giovanni Battista de'; Cavallieri, Giovanni Battista; Cavalleris, Joannes Baptista

An allegory of life and salvation, in the centre father time kneels pointing to ascending souls, in the upper left Christ appears before those eager to reach him, various devils throughout

Patience; reverse copy after Sebald Beham (Pauli 141); winged whole-length female figure seated on a plinth in three-quarter profile to left, holding a lamb; a devilish figure at right; two angels holding a laurel wreath above her head. 1561


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