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Пишет marinni ([info]marinni)
@ 2010-01-22 19:55:00

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Карты. 1500-1900

Карты. 1500-1900

After Cornelis de Vos. Date 1632

After Fabrizio Boschi. Drawn by Giuseppe Turchi 1785-1845 (?)
A Dominican monk disturbing a party of card players and upsetting their table, in an interior with vaulted ceiling, lunette, after F. Boschi
Watercolour, over black chalk

Print made by Monogrammist HS
1500s (circa)

The inhabitants of Nurenburg burning playing cards and board games in front of the Liebsfraukirche in 1452, inspired by the preaching of Cardinal Johannes Capistran, who is show in a pulpit in upper left, holding out a Crucifix, with his name inscribed above him.

After Cornelis de Vos

The Game of Cards or the Prodigal Son feasting with harlots. Classical interior with two finely dressed men playing cards around a table, the one at left assisted by a woman, the right one accompanied by another man and a page, a wine-glass and bread on the table, a dog in foreground; after Cornelis de Vos. 1632

Print made by Adriaen van Ostade (biographical details | all objects)

[Partie perdue, d'après Meissonier.] (1891)

Louis Spirinx (Print made by); Cornelis van Tienen (Published by); Card players Date

After Jan Steen

Print made by Jacques Callot

After Michelangelo da Caravaggio
After Bartolommeo Manfredi
1685-1740 (c.)

After Michelangelo da Caravaggio

Print made by Sébastien Leclerc I (biographical details | all objects)
1708 (c.)
seated around a circular table and playing cards; at left, a man throwing his cards on the floor; illustration for the first part of Montmort's 'Essay d'analyse sur le sjeux de hazard' (Paris: Jacques Quillau, 1708). c.1708

After Pierre Alexandre Wille

Settling the odd trick. (1777)

After William Kidd
1815-1841 (circa)

They toil not indeed, nor indeed do they spin. | Yet they never are idle when once they begin. | But are very intent on ... (1807)

After William Henry Pyne
1825-1830 (circa)

In a palatial room, lit by elaborate cut-glass chandeliers, three games are in progress, one in the foreground, with an officer leaning over one of the women players. Another officer in full dress uniform with sword and plumed helmet admires himself in a pier-glass. c.1825
Hand-coloured etching and aquatint

[French soldiers drinking, smoking and playing cards, 19th century.] (1894)

Scene in a gambling saloon. (1868)

New York -- a night scene in company A's room ; New York -- serving chowder to the soldiers. ([188?])

Chinese quarters. (1878)

Tu ventetes á jouer avec monsieur, tu vois bien qu il retourne le roi á chaque coup. (1836)

-----------------------Карты--Monogrammist PW of Cologne-1499-1503-----------------------------

Monogrammist PW of Cologne (Print made by); Playing-card: Queen of Roses; a lady on horseback, holding a falcon. c.1500 Engraving
Print made by Monogrammist PW of Cologne (biographical details | all objects)
1499-1503 (c.)


============Листы неразрезанных карт=======================

Print made by Giuseppe Maria Mitelli
Gioco di carte con nuovo forma...print; playing-card; Giuseppe Maria Mitelli (Print made by); Six plates of playing-cards

Print made by Giuseppe Maria Mitelli
Gioco di carte con nuovo forma...print; playing-card; Giuseppe Maria Mitelli (Print made by); Six plates of playing-cards


23 playing cards, each bearing a character from the British Isles (e.g. 'Ailleen of Kilkenny', 'Prince Charlie', the 'Welch Shepperd', 'England's Hope') plus those from France and Prussia. Beneath each card, a conundrum, the answers to which are on a separate sheet.
Hand-colored lithographs

Sheet with the twenty six playing cards, both rectos and versos (designed to be folded in half horizontally in order to line up);


Uncut sheet of twelve double-ended playing-cards


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2010-01-22 16:05 (ссылка)
Я вообще ушла в долгое путешествие по Вашему журналу, оторваться никак не получается, начала лепить куклу и ..думаю на минутку, ну на две..вобщем уже полчасика я у Вас тут растворилась))))))))

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2010-01-22 16:14 (ссылка)
Зато потом лепиться лучше будет:)

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2010-01-22 16:32 (ссылка)
Это правда, поэтому тихонечко, на цыочках хожу-брожу,получаю массу полезного и массу удовольствий)))

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2010-01-22 16:37 (ссылка)
Я сама выложу- а потом пересматриваю, не хочется от компа отходить:)

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