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Пишет marinni ([info]marinni)
@ 2010-04-05 17:15:00

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Старинные умывальники и раковины.

Купания и мытье. Часть 3.Старинные умывальники и раковины.


Woman At A Dressing Table
Gustave Caillebotte

================Наборы для умывания================

Ванные комнаты даже в 19 веке были только у обеспеченных людей, в основном- пользовались кувшином и тазом, их держали на специальной подставке или столике. Там же иногда стоял и ночной горшок.


Clews, James and Ral...

Earthenware Aesthetic Bath set ( 2 Pitchers & Wash Basin / Bowl) ~ Decorated with Yellow, Blue and Pink Rose of Sharon Flowers ~ Bridgwood & Son 1885-1930

Antique Vanity Set by Poulson Brothers & Sons

Antique Chamber Set

Antique Chamber Set: Colonial Pottery Co., 1903-1929, Liverpool

Flow Blue Pitcher & Washbowl Set




Очень редкая подставка из музея Виктории и Альберта- 16 век.

! Washstand


Basin stands such as this one were used in bedrooms. The circular rim supported a basin for washing and the round box and cover underneath contained the soap (which was usually round). There are two drawers for toilet accessories. A water jug stood on the lower triangular shelf.

Example of an antique bathrrom vanity cabinet.

Mahogany and Sèvres porcelain

Washstand (athénienne or lavabo), 1804–14
Design attributed to Charles Percier (French, 1764–1838); mounts attributed to Martin-Guillaume Biennais (French, 1764–1843)
Yew wood, gilt bronze


William Burges (1827-1881) disliked Georgian furniture of the 18th and early 19th centuries. This washstand, designed by him, epitomises how he thought furniture should look.

Late Victorian cast iron decorative wash stand with original mirror, tiles and towel rail and taps .


1890 Huge Canadian Oak & Marble Washstand

French Antique Hand Carved Dresser Marble Top Washstand Antique Wash Stand 1890

19th Century Chinese Rosewood Washstand. This interesting piece was found in France. Would make an interesting entr

Marble Top Commode Washstand Renaissance Revival circa 1860

Victorian Satinwood Tile Back Wash Stand, English.

Washstand English Victorian Oak Tiled


Beautifully decorated Child's Washstand

Детский умывальник
Antique Kate Greenaway French Sarreguemines antique child's porcelain wood washstand set

------------Современные реконструкции под старину---------

==================Старинные умывальники и раковины=========


Doulton Burslem Toilet Aquarius (Jug & Bowl)

Circa 1891

the water holder with its original cast iron stand, designed to allow for easy pouring into the bowl

Doulton Burslem Royles Patent Toilet Aquarius


Beautiful example of three pieces faience fountain


Blue and White patterned Edwardian sink on antique washstand

Antique blue and white floral basin

Мраморная раковина

------------------Современные раковины под старину-------------

handmade and painted basins, unused. Both have similar scene.


Miniature Rooms, Mrs. Thorne's - French Directoire bathroom
Ванна эпохи Директории

Выставка сантехники в России
[Bathroom utensils and bathtubs in different shapes, cauldrens, plumbing supplies.] (1885)

Salle de bains Louis XVI, avec une glace à trois faces.... [Bathroom.] (1907)

Salle de bains Louis XVI.... [Bathroom tub and closet.] (1907)

bathroom Alexandria. (1911)
На переднем плане- сидячая ванна.

A, bathroom Granada. (1911)

bathroom Florentine.

------------Современные реставрированные и "ретро"------------

London-based Tiggy Butler restored the original splendor of an early-18th-century terrace house built in the fashionable Mayfair district of London. “The wonderful 18th-century mantelpiece was found in situ.

In designer Ralph Lauren’s Norman-style stone manor house in Bedford, NY, a circular mahogany paneled hall leads to the master bath, part of the Laurens’ five-room upstairs master suite. The couple chose white marble for the space, which overlooks the grounds, and incorporated a mirrored wall and an 18th-century mantelpiece.

On the border of Nairobi National Park, former diplomat Paul Verleysen built a cluster of “tree houses” on stilts for guests. A canoe, lined with fiberglass, serves as a tub in the bath. A wrought iron chandelier that was forged on-site hangs above.

Купания и мытье.Части 1-2,14-19 век-ТУТ
Общественные туалеты разных стран и необычные туалеты-ТУТ

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2010-04-05 12:11 (ссылка)
А что такое бурдалю?

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2010-04-05 12:16 (ссылка)
Утка- женские были в форме соусника, завтра покажу в посте про туалеты. Пока по тэгу "туалеты" можно посмотреть.

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2010-04-05 12:24 (ссылка)
О! Посмотрим! :)

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