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Пишет marinni ([info]marinni)
@ 2010-05-08 18:35:00

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Lorenzo di Credi (1458-1537)

Lorenzo di Credi (1458-1537)

[Italian High Renaissance Painter, ca.1458-1537]
Еще известен как Lorenzo Sciarpelloni, учился у Andrea del Verrocchio.

Portrait of a Woman, ca. 1490–1500

Léonardo di Ser Piero da Vinci. Ginevra de' Benci

Oil on panel, 88 x 71 cm
Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Adoration of the Child
c. 1480
Panel, diameter 27 cm
Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Venice

Madonna with the Christ Child and St John the Baptist
Oil on poplar panel, 37 x 27 cm
Gemäldegalerie, Dresden

La Naissance du Christ - Renaissance italienne - Old Pinakothek of Munich

Lorenzo d'Andrea d'Oderigo (Lorenzo di Credi) : Madonna and Child

Caterina Sforza
Lorenzo di Credi (Firenze, 1456-1537) Ritratto di giovane donna (La dama dei gelsomini) Olio su tela, 75 x 54 cm Forlì, Pinacoteca Civica

Lorenzo di Credi. (1460-1537). Dama dei gelsomini

Lorenzo di Credi 007.jpg
Portrait of a girl. // Berlin

Lorenzo d'Andrea d'Oderigo (Lorenzo di Credi) Portrait of a Young Woman
The picture was inspired by Leonardo's portrait of Ginevra de' Benci in the National Gallery, Washington.

Портрет был вдохновлен работой Да Винчи:

Léonardo di Ser Piero da Vinci (Léonard de Vinci) : Ginevra de' Benci

Portrait of a Woman, ca. 1490–1500
Lorenzo di Credi (Italian, Florentine, ca. 1456–1536)
Oil on panel
Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Еще одна картина на фоне дерева:

Madonna and Child with Saints, altarpiece, ca. 1520
Girolamo dai Libri (Italian, Veronese, 1474/75–1555)
Tempera and oil on canvas The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Портрет Перуджино.
Portrait of Perugino
c. 1504
Oil on wood, 51 x 37 cm
Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Ответный портрет Ди Креди работы Перуджино.
Lorenzo di Credi by Perugino
