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Женские и мужские chopines на платформе, pantofles, mules и zoccoli. Женские и мужские шлепанцы (chopines) на платформе и прочие тапочки.15-17 век.Мужская обувь- 1400-е г.Chaussure avec patin de Frédéric III, du Roi Jean (1440). ![]() Женские и мужские chopines, pantofles, mules и zoccoli- как и кто их носил. Как пишут в статьях музеев Бата и Виктории и Альберта, chopines появились в Испании, затем торговыми путями они попали в Веницию. На картинках видно, что их носили женщины разных сословий и занятий- но высота платформы у всех разная, на очень высоких невозможно было передвигаться без сопровождения. -----------------Женские chopines и zoccoli----------------- ======================================== ![]() Another image of a lady being helped along by a lord, and her train carried by two other servants, also in chopines. Леди и сопровождение Weiditz, Christopher Lady and Escort Walking 1529 Das Trachtenbauch ![]() испанский стиль Зокколи -имеет более коническую форму с менее замысловатой резьбой, хотя и не менее сложно украшенные орнаментом. Spanish style of Zoccoli, one that is more conical and much less intricately carved, although no less intricately ornamented. Spanish Ladies Watercolor c 1540 Museo Stibbert, Florence ![]() An amusing image showing a lady on chopines in the Spanish style, being ably assisted by two stalwart soldiers. Дама и двое солдат- эскиз картона для гобелена. Vermeyen, Jan Cornelisz from The Army Re-embarking at La Goleta, cartoon for tapestry XII in the Conquest of Tunis series. 1535 Wien. Kunsthistorisches Museum ![]() A detail of a lovely engraving of two chopines that seem to be in the Spanish style. Note the lacing in the split vamp comes out of a second set of eyelets, and the ornamented work around the sides. chopines в испанском стиле Vermeyen, Jan Cornelisz 1545 Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam ------------------Мифология------------- ======================================== ![]() пара pantofles и еще туфли Shows a lovely pair of ornate high pantofles, and piled amongst Susanna's hosen are two cute little brown shoes. Lotto, Lorenzo Susanna and the Elders 1517 Oil on wood, 50 x 60 cm Contini Bonacossi Collection, Florence ![]() LOTTO, Lorenzo Susanna and the Elders 1517. ![]() These pantofles have a different style vamp, a split variety. This may be to give contrast to the shoe or hose underneath, but note that no shoes are seen here. It's likely used in this context to denote a certain libertine nature to Potiphar's lovely wife, as if the bare knee and shapely calf wasn't enough of a clue-in. ![]() Cigoli Joseph and Potiphar's Wife 1610 Oil on canvas Galleria Borghese, Rome ![]() Клеопатра Бордоне, - белые с красным chopines Bordone, Paris Cleopatra c. 1550 Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, Maryland, USA ![]() Zucchi, Jacopo The Toilet of Bathsheba after 1573 Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica, Rome ![]() ![]() Тапочки справа внизу Giorgio Vasari and Giovanni Stradano The Arrival of Leo X in Florence 1559-60 Palazzo Vecchio, Florence "Diversarum Nationum Habitus" V&A Museum, London ![]() Деталь знаменитой картины Карпаччо,я ее вчера показывала- можно заметить два зокколи рядом друг с другом на левом краю картины. Carpaccio, Vittore Карпаччо, Витторе Two Venetian Ladies c. C. 1510 1510 ------------------------Дамы------------ ![]() дама в pantofles. Vecellio, Cesare Winter dress of Venetian women at home and outdoors. 1598 Habiti antichi, et moderni di tutto il Mondo ![]() Венецианская женщина занимается обесцвечиванием волос на солнце на крыше галереи (Венецианки мечтали о золотистых волосах).Она в нижней рубашке и зокколи. 1598 1598 Vecellio, Cesare Venetian woman bleaching her hair in the sun on a rooftop gallery. 1598 Habiti antichi, et moderni di tutto il Mondo ![]() Vecellio Чезаре Peasant woman from outskirts of Venice as seen in town on Ascension Day. Крестьянка с окраины Венеции, в день праздника Вознесения. 1598 Vecellio, Cesare Peasant woman from outskirts of Venice as seen in town on Ascension Day. 1598 Habiti antichi, et moderni di tutto il Mondo ![]() Бедная женщина получает благословение ![]() Lotto, Lorenzo Blessings of St Bridget (detail) Fresco 1524 Oratorio Suardi, Trescore -----------------Куртизанки------------- ======================================== ![]() Гравюра венецианской куртизанки, Пьетро Бертелли. Note how in one frame, he shows the lady with her skirt on, and in the next, in breeches and zoccoli. Venetian courtesan Pietro Bertelli Engraving 1589 ![]() Венецианские проститутки из публичного дома. Vecellio, Cesare Venetian brothel prostitute. 1598 Habiti antichi, et moderni di tutto il Mondo -------------------------Мужские-------- ======================================== Обувь с "patin"- коньки по французски- на "платформе". Chaussure avec patin de Frédéric III, empereur d'Italie ou d'Allemagne (1400) ; Chaussure avec patin du Roi Jean (1440). From Histoire des cordonniers : précédée de l'histoire de la chaussure depuis les temps les plus recules jusq'a nos jours. (Paris : Sere, 1852) Jacob, P. L. (1806-1884), Author. Soulier.Привязывающиеся башмаки ![]() Паттерны-деревянные башмаки для мужчин- слева the eye goes directly to a pair of rough wooden pattens (no doubt for the man), but in the center, between the two of them, there is this little gem of a pair of covered slippers! EYCK, Jan van Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and his Wife 1434 Oil on oak, 82 x 60 cm National Gallery, London ![]() Эти тапочки в центре вдалеке, между фигурами. Van Eyck, Jan The Marriage of Giovanni Arnolfini and Giovanna Cenami 1434 Oil on Canvas Nation Galler, London И более поздние: Clogs- сабо 1790 ---------------Еще мужские шлепанцы pantofles и mules, но их носили и женщины, и мужчины: ================pantofles и mules======================= ![]() Господин в pantofles. David, Gerard The Judgment of Cambyses (left panel) 1498 Groeninge Museum, Bruges ![]() David, Gerard The Judgment of Cambyses ![]() MASTER of the St. Bartholomew Altar pantofles, и есть пара mules или pantofles на лестнице The Descent from the Cross 1500-05 ![]() The Descent from the Cross 1500-05. ------------------------------- --------------- ![]() виночерпий носит pantofles. a cupbearer, wearing pantofles. Notice that he is not wearing any shoes with his pantofles, just hosen. The Master of the Retable of the Reyes Catolicos 1496-97 Washington, D.C. National Gallery of Art B&W Scan from Anderson ---------------------------------------- ![]() Даже великий герцог Тосканы носил mules. In Tuscany, Florence, and elsewhere, high nobility and men of education (doctors, lawyers, etc.) are often shown wearing mules. В Тоскане, Флоренции и в других местах, высокой знать и образованные мужчины (врачи, адвокаты и т.д.) носили mules. Even the grand Duke of Tuscany wore mules over his buskins (or perhaps hose). Vecellio, Cesare Grand Duke of Tuscany. 1598 Habiti antichi, et moderni di tutto il Mondo ![]() Bullein был врачом A detail of a portrait of Bullein, showing him porting pantofles or mules. Note that Bullein was a doctor and wore the clothes of the profession, presumably including these mules. Bullein, William Woodcut 1562 'Bullein's Bulwarke of defence againste all sickness' Courtesy Trustees of the British Museum ![]() DURER, Albrecht St Jerome in his Study 1514 National Gallery, London ------------- ![]() pantofles The Master of the Retable of the Reyes Catolicos 1496-97 ![]() Картина, изображающая рыцаря -pantofles Attributed to Christovao de Figueiredo 1520-30 Lisboa, Museo Nacional de Arte Antiga ======================================== ![]() 1650s-1660s (made) И мужчины, и женщины носили mules- тапочки без задника. Both men and women wore mules or backless slippers in the 17th century. A gentleman would have worn this pair as smart indoor leisurewear. ![]() Mule, 1600–1625, British, Leather, silk, metallic threads By the sixteenth century, embroidery had become a highly developed art form in England and on the Continent. ![]() The 'forked toe' of this slipper was the height of fashion during the 1670s and 1680s. The square toe has been exaggerated to droop over the sole at both corners. 1660s-1670s (made) ![]() Мужские для спальни early 1700 ![]() 1750s-1760s (made) Women's high-heeled mules, commonly known as slippers, became increasingly popular for indoor wear and were even worn for dancing. These ones have a fairly high heel and a pointed toe. The velvet uppers are ornately decorated with metal thread. ----------------------------- Начало, Part 1-HERE-ТУТ ![]() Обувь с "пальчиками"-HERE-ТУТ [Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<a [...] /users/marinni/396739.html?thread>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.] <h1 class="title">Женские и мужские шлепанцы (chopines) на платформе и прочие тапочки.15-17 век.</h1> <meta name="description" content="Женские и мужские chopines, pantofles, mules и zoccoli "> <meta name="keywords" content="Женские и мужские chopines, pantofles, mules и zoccoli"><img src="http://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=825404&t=w" width=270> Мужская обувь- 1400-е г.Chaussure avec patin de Frédéric III, du Roi Jean (1440). <img src="http://aands.org/raisedheels/Pictorial/bordone.jpg" width=400> Женские и мужские chopines, pantofles, mules и zoccoli- как и кто их носил. <lj-cut text="MORE"> Как пишут в статьях музеев Бата и Виктории и Альберта, chopines появились в Испании, затем торговыми путями они попали в Веницию. На картинках видно, что их носили женщины разных сословий и занятий- но высота платформы у всех разная, на очень высоких невозможно было передвигаться без сопровождения. -----------------Женские chopines и zoccoli----------------- ============================================================ <img src="http://aands.org/raisedheels/Pictorial/barcelona.jpg"> Another image of a lady being helped along by a lord, and her train carried by two other servants, also in chopines. Леди и сопровождение Weiditz, Christopher Lady and Escort Walking 1529 Das Trachtenbauch <img src="http://aands.org/raisedheels/Pictorial/span_chopines.jpg"> испанский стиль Зокколи -имеет более коническую форму с менее замысловатой резьбой, хотя и не менее сложно украшенные орнаментом. Spanish style of Zoccoli, one that is more conical and much less intricately carved, although no less intricately ornamented. Spanish Ladies Watercolor c 1540 Museo Stibbert, Florence <img src="http://aands.org/raisedheels/Pictorial/span_women_chopine4.jpg"> An amusing image showing a lady on chopines in the Spanish style, being ably assisted by two stalwart soldiers. Дама и двое солдат- эскиз картона для гобелена. Vermeyen, Jan Cornelisz from The Army Re-embarking at La Goleta, cartoon for tapestry XII in the Conquest of Tunis series. 1535 Wien. Kunsthistorisches Museum <img src="http://aands.org/raisedheels/Pictorial/span_chopines1.jpg"> A detail of a lovely engraving of two chopines that seem to be in the Spanish style. Note the lacing in the split vamp comes out of a second set of eyelets, and the ornamented work around the sides. chopines в испанском стиле Vermeyen, Jan Cornelisz 1545 Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam ------------------Мифология------------------ ============================================== <img src="http://aands.org/raisedheels/Pictorial/susanna.jpg"> пара pantofles и еще туфли Shows a lovely pair of ornate high pantofles, and piled amongst Susanna's hosen are two cute little brown shoes. Lotto, Lorenzo Susanna and the Elders 1517 Oil on wood, 50 x 60 cm Contini Bonacossi Collection, Florence <img src="http://www.wga.hu/art/l/lotto/1511-20/04susann.jpg" width=700 > LOTTO, Lorenzo Susanna and the Elders 1517. <img src="http://aands.org/raisedheels/Pictorial/joseph.jpg"> These pantofles have a different style vamp, a split variety. This may be to give contrast to the shoe or hose underneath, but note that no shoes are seen here. It's likely used in this context to denote a certain libertine nature to Potiphar's lovely wife, as if the bare knee and shapely calf wasn't enough of a clue-in. <img src="http://www.wga.hu/art/c/cigoli/joseph_p.jpg"width=600> Cigoli Joseph and Potiphar's Wife 1610 Oil on canvas Galleria Borghese, Rome <img src="http://aands.org/raisedheels/Pictorial/bordone.jpg"width=600> Клеопатра Бордоне, - белые с красным chopines Bordone, Paris Cleopatra c. 1550 Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, Maryland, USA <img src="http://aands.org/raisedheels/Pictorial/zucchi.jpg"> Zucchi, Jacopo The Toilet of Bathsheba after 1573 Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica, Rome <img src="http://www.wga.hu/art/z/zucchi/jacopo/bathsheb.jpg"width=950> <img src="http://aands.org/raisedheels/Pictorial/white_pantofle.jpg"> Тапочки справа внизу Giorgio Vasari and Giovanni Stradano The Arrival of Leo X in Florence 1559-60 Palazzo Vecchio, Florence "Diversarum Nationum Habitus" V&A Museum, London <img src="http://aands.org/raisedheels/Pictorial/carpaccio.jpg"> Деталь знаменитой картины Карпаччо,я ее вчера показывала- можно заметить два зокколи рядом друг с другом на левом краю картины. Carpaccio, Vittore Карпаччо, Витторе Two Venetian Ladies c. C. 1510 1510 ------------------------Дамы-------------------- <img src="http://aands.org/raisedheels/Pictorial/vecellio1.jpg"width=400> дама в pantofles. Vecellio, Cesare Winter dress of Venetian women at home and outdoors. 1598 Habiti antichi, et moderni di tutto il Mondo <img src="http://aands.org/raisedheels/Pictorial/vecellio3.jpg"width=400> Венецианская женщина занимается обесцвечиванием волос на солнце на крыше галереи (Венецианки мечтали о золотистых волосах).Она в нижней рубашке и зокколи. 1598 1598 Vecellio, Cesare Venetian woman bleaching her hair in the sun on a rooftop gallery. 1598 Habiti antichi, et moderni di tutto il Mondo <img src="http://aands.org/raisedheels/Pictorial/vecellio4.jpg"width=400> Vecellio Чезаре Peasant woman from outskirts of Venice as seen in town on Ascension Day. Крестьянка с окраины Венеции, в день праздника Вознесения. 1598 Vecellio, Cesare Peasant woman from outskirts of Venice as seen in town on Ascension Day. 1598 Habiti antichi, et moderni di tutto il Mondo <img src="http://aands.org/raisedheels/Pictorial/clog_blessings.jpg"> Бедная женщина получает благословение <img src="http://www.lib-art.com/imgpainting/4/5/13254-blessings-of-st-bridget-lorenzo-lotto.jpg"> Lotto, Lorenzo Blessings of St Bridget (detail) Fresco 1524 Oratorio Suardi, Trescore -----------------Куртизанки-------------------- =============================================== <img src="http://aands.org/raisedheels/Pictorial/courtesan_sketch.jpg" width=800 > Гравюра венецианской куртизанки, Пьетро Бертелли. Note how in one frame, he shows the lady with her skirt on, and in the next, in breeches and zoccoli. Venetian courtesan Pietro Bertelli Engraving 1589 <img src="http://aands.org/raisedheels/Pictorial/vecellio2.jpg" width=400> Венецианские проститутки из публичного дома. Vecellio, Cesare Venetian brothel prostitute. 1598 Habiti antichi, et moderni di tutto il Mondo -------------------------Мужские------------------------------ ======================================================= <img src="http://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=825404&t=w"> Обувь с "patin"- коньки по французски- на "платформе". Chaussure avec patin de Frédéric III, empereur d'Italie ou d'Allemagne (1400) ; Chaussure avec patin du Roi Jean (1440). From Histoire des cordonniers : précédée de l'histoire de la chaussure depuis les temps les plus recules jusq'a nos jours. (Paris : Sere, 1852) Jacob, P. L. (1806-1884), Author. <img src="http://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=825407&t=w"> Soulier.Привязывающиеся башмаки <img src="http://www.wga.hu/art/e/eyck_van/jan/15arnolf/15arno.jpg"width=850> Паттерны-деревянные башмаки для мужчин- слева the eye goes directly to a pair of rough wooden pattens (no doubt for the man), but in the center, between the two of them, there is this little gem of a pair of covered slippers! EYCK, Jan van Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and his Wife 1434 Oil on oak, 82 x 60 cm National Gallery, London <img src="http://aands.org/raisedheels/Pictorial/arnolfini.jpg"> Эти тапочки в центре вдалеке, между фигурами. Van Eyck, Jan The Marriage of Giovanni Arnolfini and Giovanna Cenami 1434 Oil on Canvas Nation Galler, London И более поздние: <img src="http://images.nypl.org/index.php?id=825439&t=w"> Clogs- сабо 1790 ---------------Еще мужские шлепанцы pantofles и mules, но их носили и женщины, и мужчины: ================pantofles и mules======================= <img src="http://aands.org/raisedheels/Pictorial/gerard_pantofle.jpg"> Господин в pantofles. David, Gerard The Judgment of Cambyses (left panel) 1498 Groeninge Museum, Bruges <img src="http://www.wga.hu/art/d/david/1/cambyse1.jpg"width=850> David, Gerard The Judgment of Cambyses <img src="http://aands.org/raisedheels/Pictorial/descent.jpg"> MASTER of the St. Bartholomew Altar pantofles, и есть пара mules или pantofles на лестнице The Descent from the Cross 1500-05 <img src="http://www.wga.hu/art/m/master/bartholo/descent1.jpg"> The Descent from the Cross 1500-05. ------------------------------- --------------- <img src="http://aands.org/raisedheels/Pictorial/cana.jpg"width=800> виночерпий носит pantofles. a cupbearer, wearing pantofles. Notice that he is not wearing any shoes with his pantofles, just hosen. The Master of the Retable of the Reyes Catolicos 1496-97 Washington, D.C. National Gallery of Art B&W Scan from Anderson ------------------------------------------ <img src="http://aands.org/raisedheels/Pictorial/vecellio5.jpg"> Даже великий герцог Тосканы носил mules. In Tuscany, Florence, and elsewhere, high nobility and men of education (doctors, lawyers, etc.) are often shown wearing mules. В Тоскане, Флоренции и в других местах, высокой знать и образованные мужчины (врачи, адвокаты и т.д.) носили mules. Even the grand Duke of Tuscany wore mules over his buskins (or perhaps hose). Vecellio, Cesare Grand Duke of Tuscany. 1598 Habiti antichi, et moderni di tutto il Mondo <img src="http://aands.org/raisedheels/Pictorial/pantofles_man.jpg"> Bullein был врачом A detail of a portrait of Bullein, showing him porting pantofles or mules. Note that Bullein was a doctor and wore the clothes of the profession, presumably including these mules. Bullein, William Woodcut 1562 'Bullein's Bulwarke of defence againste all sickness' Courtesy Trustees of the British Museum <img src="http://aands.org/raisedheels/Pictorial/mule2.jpg"> DURER, Albrecht St Jerome in his Study 1514 National Gallery, London ------------- <img src="http://aands.org/raisedheels/Pictorial/span_men_pantofles2.jpg"width=400> pantofles The Master of the Retable of the Reyes Catolicos 1496-97 <img src="http://aands.org/raisedheels/Pictorial/span_men_pantofles1.jpg"width=400> Картина, изображающая рыцаря -pantofles Attributed to Christovao de Figueiredo 1520-30 Lisboa, Museo Nacional de Arte Antiga ======================================== <img src="http://media.vam.ac.uk/media/thira/collection_images/2006AW/2006AW1990_jpg_l.jpg"> 1650s-1660s (made) И мужчины, и женщины носили mules- тапочки без задника. Both men and women wore mules or backless slippers in the 17th century. A gentleman would have worn this pair as smart indoor leisurewear. <img src="http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/images/hb/hb_29.23.11.jpg"> Mule, 1600–1625, British, Leather, silk, metallic threads By the sixteenth century, embroidery had become a highly developed art form in England and on the Continent. <img src="http://media.vam.ac.uk/media/thira/collection_images/2006AW/2006AW2461_jpg_l.jpg"> The 'forked toe' of this slipper was the height of fashion during the 1670s and 1680s. The square toe has been exaggerated to droop over the sole at both corners. 1660s-1670s (made) <img src="http://media.vam.ac.uk/media/thira/collection_images/2006AW/2006AW2467_jpg_l.jpg"> Мужские для спальни early 1700 <img src="http://media.vam.ac.uk/media/thira/collection_images/2006AW/2006AW2042_jpg_l.jpg"> 1750s-1760s (made) Women's high-heeled mules, commonly known as slippers, became increasingly popular for indoor wear and were even worn for dancing. These ones have a fairly high heel and a pointed toe. The velvet uppers are ornately decorated with metal thread. ----------------------------- <ljr-href url="/users/marinni/536742.html" site="http://www.livejournal.com">Начало, Part 1-HERE-ТУТ</ljr-href> <img src="http://static.novate.ru/files/masha/take_a_walk.jpg"> <ljr-href url="/users/marinni/235283.html#cutid1" site="http://www.livejournal.com">Обувь с "пальчиками"-HERE-ТУТ</ljr-href> <a href=" <ljr-href url="/users/marinni/396739.html?thread=3023811" site="http://www.livejournal.com">http://marinni.livejournal.com/396739.html?thread=3023811</ljr-href> ">Куртизанки и проститутки. История и картинки-HERE-ТУТ</a> <ljr-href url="/users/marinni/397935.html" site="http://www.livejournal.com">Куртизанки и проститутки. История и картинки-Part 2-HERE-ТУТ</ljr-href> <lj-repost button="Разместить у себя в журнале"/> ------------------------------------------------- http://www.wga.hu/ http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/ http://aands.org/raisedheels/Pictorial/illustrations.html http://aands.org/raisedheels/Pictorial/extant.html |
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