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Пишет marinni ([info]marinni)
@ 2010-06-24 12:41:00

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Master of the Virgo inter Virgines(active 1480-95).

Master of the Virgo inter Virgines(active 1480-95)

The Virgin and Child with Sts Catherine, Cecilia, Barbara and Ursula - Master of the Virgo inter Virgines

-----Master of the Virgo inter Virgines-------------

Netherlandish Painter, active 1470-1520

Annunciation - Master of the Virgo inter Virgines

Birth of Christ
Year ca. 1500

Adoration of the Magi
c. 1485
Oak, 63 x 48 cm
Staatliche Museen, Berlin

The Virgin and Child with Sts Catherine, Cecilia, Barbara and Ursula - Master of the Virgo inter Virgines
ca. 1470 - ca. 1500
Seated in a fenced-off area of a courtyard are the Virgin and Child surrounded by four sumptuously attired female saints: Catherine, Cecilia, Barbara and Ursula. They can be identified from their attributes, which take the form of jewellery.

Virgin and Child with Sts Catherine, Cecilia, Barbara, and Ursula
c. 1490
Oil on panel, 123 x 102 cm
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam


Master of the virgo inter virgines, last supper

Master of the virgo inter virgines, last supper, detail

Master of the virgo inter virgines, last supper, detail

Master of the virgo inter virgines, trinity

Master of the virgo inter virgines, trinity

Throne of Mercy - Master of the Virgo inter Virgines

Master of the virgo inter virgines, lamentation

Master of the virgo inter virgines, lamentation, detail


Oil on panel, 78 x 59 cm
Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid

Left panel of a Crucifixion triptych

The body of Christ, supported by a man on a ladder, is received by two men below, assisted by others in front of the Cross the Virgin is seated, supported by St. John; two Holy Women are behind her, and beyond three others. In the right foreground the Magdalen kneels with outstretched hands. On reverse of wings are the life size grisaille figures of the Madonna and the Angel of the Annunciation.

Artist / Maker: Master of the Virgo inter Virgines (c1475-c1500)

Right side panel of a Crucifixion triptych

Christ, kicked and beaten by rough soldiers, is carrying the Cross, helped by Simon of Cyrene. In the distance is a group consisting of the Virgin, St. John and the Holy Women.

Oil on wood, 57 x 47 cm
Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence

Master of the Virgo inter Virgines - Entombment of Christ

Master of the Virgo inter Virgines - 'The Lamentation over the Dead Christ'

The resurrection of Christ.
Meester van de Virgo inter Virgines

Date of creation: 1500

Ecole des anciens Pays-Bas

Mort de Narcisse


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2010-06-24 06:22 (ссылка)
А мне еще предпоследняя, с воскресением Христа, очень нравится- там солдаты такие классные!)

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2010-06-24 06:36 (ссылка)
Тоже красива, такие сцены интересные тем, что художники пытаясь изобразить прошлое рисуют элементы снаряжения прошлого столетия с деталями, что они видели на рисунках античности(на вазах, или ещё где... ) и придумывая новое. Легкое средневековое фэнтези )))

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