a mne norm - The secret of the blacks [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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The secret of the blacks [Jun. 6th, 2020|05:46 pm]
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[Current Music |Rucka Rucka Ali - What the Black Says]

Nothing’s your fault
You’re only a victim
In a white man’s world
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Date:June 6th, 2020 - 04:10 pm
У него так-то про police violence непосредственно песенка есть


So, rest now sweet little
Bro guy, 6 feet under the
Floor, remember me when you
Go, to monkey heaven now
Float away, high up in the stars and I'll
Know, you're always looking down
Throw, bananas down at us and when it
Snows, I'll know you bust a nut
Choking a poor kid up
Fucks him up, no no no
It's just a hug, nothing's Ha-
Rambe's fault, no no no
[User Picture]
Date:June 6th, 2020 - 04:47 pm
Floyd’s away, high up in the stars and I'll
Know, you're always looking down
Throw, bananas down at us and when it
Snows, I'll know you shmoke some crack