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Пишет merry_prankster ([info]merry_prankster)
@ 2024-04-19 17:23:00

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Музыка:Varg²™, Ecco2k, Bladee -- H2D

Varg²™, Ecco2k, Bladee -- H2D
Make me feel alive again

List crossed off
Slit lock off
We pop off
We at the top of
At the top of
At the top cross
On the gold cross
Bleed for a lost cause
Still sleepless
Still seamless
Thee deepest
Deep regrets
In deep rest
I'm speechless

All there ever was wasn't enough
You want to hear a human voice
Another piece of us is crushed
Under your heavy breathing

And it feels so, so, so, so real
I just want to crawl underneath your skin
I just want to fall with your eyes on me
I just want to fall under your sawteeth
How does it feel to be so real?
I just want to learn how to disappear
I just want to fall under your sawteeth
I just want to fall under your sawteeth

(And it feels so, so, so, so real)
(I just want to crawl underneath your skin)
(I just want to fall with your eyes on me)
(I just want to fall under your sawteeth)
(How does it feel to be so real?)
(I just want to learn how to disappear)
(I just want to fall under your sawteeth)
(I just want to fall under your sawteeth)

And it feels so, so, so, so real
I just want to crawl underneath your skin
I just want to fall with your eyes on me
I just want to fall under your sawteeth
How does it feel to be so real?
I just want to learn how to disappear
I just want to fall under your sawteeth
I just want to fall under your sawteeth

Make me feel alive again
