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Пишет na_pis ([info]na_pis)
@ 2005-11-23 22:01:00

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Anti-Bias Initiative
Покипятился по поводу меморандума корпоративной этики и решил посмотреть как с похожими проблемами справляется обычная американская high school.
Заклянул в спам от завуча школы старшего сына и нашел "Anti-Bias Initiative". Гнусная бюрократичесая писулька описывающая подробности насаждения политической корректности. Но занятная деталь - ни слова о "публичной жизни" учеников за пределами школы.

Anti-Bias Initiative
September 14, 2005


I am pleased to release a memo to the Superintendent that outlines the school's approach in the second year of its Anti- Bias Initiative (ABI). Xxxxxx High School will make anti- bias education and action a priority initiative as part of its 2005-2007 School Improvement Plan. The effort is in response to faculty, student, and community input for the school to be proactive in our commitment to create an inclusive, anti-bias school culture. The school will take a multifaceted approach to eradicate hate, intolerance, and discrimination.

Anti-Bias Education for the Student Body
The Anti-Defamation League will again train a cohort of “peer educators” (about half of the three-dozen students from last year’s group will return). These students, in turn, will outreach to the student body and staff to deliver education and implement anti-bias initiatives. The peer educators were successful this past year when entering classrooms and conducting anti-discrimination activities. Their approach will change to focus on smaller, grade-specific groups.

Civil Rights Review Board
This advisory group to the Principal will act as the primary contact for students or staff reporting a civil rights incident or issue. It will expand its membership to 6 students and 2 adults. The group will hear concerns, create a written record, and advise the principal in a timely manner on a course of action. The Board may choose to involve itself in the disciplinary aspects of an incident after receiving consent from the students involved. The principal will keep a binder with “Incident Report” forms and choose when to convene the CRRB (in some cases, it could be immediate). A separate group of staff members will periodically review the actions taken by the principal and provide feedback.

Statement on the ABI's First Year
The ABI made inroads in its first year and started momentum toward making positive changes to the high school’s culture. Racially-motivated incidents decreased as the school year progressed, partly when the school took a proactive approach in hiring experts to investigate incidents. It’s the school’s intent to “kick the ABI up a notch” and keep anti-bias issues in the community’s consciousness. In its first year, the ABI focused primarily on specific incidents that occurred within the school. The second year of this initiative will focus on the systemic and institutional issues that may have contributed or caused these incidents. We will look at what we as a school community need to improve or change to ensure a safe learning environment for all of our students.