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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2021-11-05 19:34:00

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Настроение: annoyed
Entry tags:apple, usability

iPhone 13 quirks
1. It is really hard to find a free text editor for plain text files. Most editors are both paid and so overbloated they can't save a simple .txt file, while their startup takes several seconds. In the end I picked "Typewriter for Markdown" - its purpose it to edit markdown files, but it works fine with the txt ones, which reside anywhere on the filesystem. Why can't Apple supply something as simple as a .txt file editor? They supply really complicated organizer apps for making notes, which support sync with MacBook, but I prefer the old school plain txt editor, and backing up the txt files myself.
2. No easy way to use mp3 file. The builtin player can only play single track. ITunes can only play what was purchased with ITunes - a really heavy and bloated app, which mostly sells gangsta rap music, instead of video game soundtrack remixes. There is foobar2000, but even that player is not straightforward to use. I.e. I've airdropped some video game mp3s from MacBook, and they got saved in the home folder, but foobar2000 requires moving them inside its own app folder - i.e. for some stupid reason it can't access the root or integrate with the file browser.
3. Accessing "App Library" is really cryptic - you have to swipe left, until it reaches a "secret" page with all the apps.
4. While it works nice between IPhones, turning on Air Drop to work with MacBook is not obvious: first Bluetooth has to be enabled, then airdrop enabled separately, then one has to change permissions. Still better than the Android's sync cable garbage. And I can't even connect IPhone 13 to my MacBook, because it IPhone uses newer USB connector. There are convertors to older USB, but I was told they don't work. Universal my ass!