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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2021-11-18 08:28:00

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Thankfully a wonderful girl has shared her hormones with me.
So now I can survive the wait time for the prescription.
But the point is: that girl is not of Dutch origin.
That is one of the many times I got saved by Black people.
While all Dutch people refused to help.
I had the same issues while trying to exchange my USD savings to EUR.
I have no passport, and therefore no way to do that legally.
So I could buy an IPL hair removal device (a rather expensive thing).
Most Dutch people got scared of somebody trying to go out of the legal path.
And told me that if I have no ID card, that means I'm not supposed (by law),
To to exchange money, and so they won't help me.
That is something straight out of the Soviet Union.
I think it's because of mentality.
And Black people just despise all forms of slavery.
Including these European "wait lists."
So in America they instead have informed consent practice;
You come to an endocrinologist and sign your consent.
The endocrinologist signs you a prescription.
Without any fuzz.
But yeah, America is the most progressive country in the world.

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2021-11-18 15:45 (ссылка)
>Most Dutch people got scared of somebody trying to go out of the legal path.
That is something straight out of the Soviet Union.
I think it's because of mentality.

partly this is due to the very strict EU legislation against money laundering. Private persons accepting money from a questionable source automatically makes themselves guilty of it.

Besides that, bringing $ cache to Europe is stupid (imagine bringing euros to the US etc. etc.) Like you were potentially heading to the US.

> in America they instead have informed consent practice;
You come to an endocrinologist and sign your consent.
The endocrinologist signs you a prescription.
Without any fuzz.
But yeah, America is the most progressive country in the world.

--- assuming you can pay.

(Ответить) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2021-11-18 18:45 (ссылка)
>Besides that, bringing $ cache to Europe is stupid (imagine bringing euros to the US etc. etc.) Like you were potentially heading to the US.

I believed that I can change USD as easily as in Ukraine, where they don't require an id. But EU is a really totalitarian place, where government controls everything USSR style, while people will report you to the local OBKHSS.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2021-11-18 22:44 (ссылка)
> I believed that I can change USD as easily as in Ukraine

no and it does not have to be so

>EU is a really totalitarian place

no; just your assumption about $ exchange appeared to be radically wrong.

All other Sadkov-style complaints are stupid, annoying and and irrelevant as usually.

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