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Tuesday, November 9th, 2021

    Time Event
    I have a Facebook now

    I hope it wont get banned since I can't yet change my legal name, while the transphobic Facebook ToS explicitly demands using your formal name.

    Current Mood: hopeful
    I didn't know that but one of my fav electronic groups is actually a duo of an African boy and a white girl.

    I thought Africans produce only gangsta rap. That really breaks my stereotype. But then again, he is Canadian, so not part of the ghetto culture. As they say "black outside, white inside" or "Oreo".

    And I have noticed that generally only the people who break with their backwards culture can create something new and achieve success. I.e. Michael Jackson, who hate his upbringing so much he changed his skin color and did facial surgeries to look whiter than most whites. Ghetto Blacks really hate Michael Jackson for that. But I think everyone has the right to change identity, be it racial or the gender one. There is a technology now that allows white people to achieve black skin color.

    Current Mood: curious

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