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Friday, September 6th, 2024

    Time Event
    Testing the Preliminary Version of Gradient Ascent Pathfinder
    Since the breadth-first search was just not fitting well with the ECS, I'm transitioning to the algorithm expressible directly as a ECS phase. The A* based algorithms can be implemented through ECS, but they will be limited to a single unit, since their diffusion map isn't really shareable.

    I also had to introduce singleton entities just to express global actions, like the phase init and cleanup.

    Currently I don't really need $scent_new double-buffering, but it helps debugging, since it wont introduce gradient bias, and it will be important with the dirichlet tessellated hierarchical version.

    Current Mood: amused
    vote or not vote, dick goes in your throat!
    A new analysis from app maker Verdant Labs calculated the likelihood of various occupations to identify as either Democrat or Republican. The company presented its findings in the chart below:

    Current Mood: amused
    In the good video games player can kill children and their parents too!
    I generally dislike action games, but the Deception series is an exception.

    Current Mood: amused

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