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Monday, November 4th, 2024

    Time Event
    The Spell of Mastery Progress
    Finally these walls are around the city.
    But the draw order is still messed up.
    I.e. these crenulations.
    Will have to fix that with more hacks.
    Z-buffer would have made it so much easier.
    But I'm making a purely 2d game.

    The stairs don't match the style.
    Have to update them.

    The city lord automatically gets a crown.
    To capture a city player has to eliminate existing lord.
    And then pick one of their own with suitable skills.
    The idea is that Player is not always incentivized to do so.
    At least to neutral cities.

    Typically the lord will be inside the castle's tower.
    So it should be hard enough to get them out.

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Had to re-design the town layout again
    Previous more compact less-rectangular layout town had only one exit.
    That was took units too long to reach sides and back of the city.
    Even my first play testings got slowed down unacceptably.
    And obviously would have led to balance issues on the multiplayer maps.

    The compactness also led to building looked overly cramped.

    This rectangular city is less fancy, but should work okay.

    I have also placed the town on elevation.
    Since real-life towns, Kiyv were found on elevation.

    I think I will have to expose the game speed setting to the user.
    Otherwise it can take too long a squad to reach its destination.

    Current Mood: accomplished

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