nancygold's Journal
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Wednesday, November 13th, 2024

    Time Event
    The Abortion Argument
    For me the abortion argument (about the embryo having qualities of a human being) doesn't exist.

    My argument is instead: why is it wrong to kill human beings, when they get in the way? If a person can kill the armed nigger who invaded the house to do harm, why a woman can't kill the baby which invaded her body and leeches her health, and harms her financially? Babies are parasites, since it is impossible to defend their usefulness to the host.

    Farmers murder vermin, boutiques burn the unsold collections. So why human babies can't be incinerated that well, when there is no place for them on the planet? Why humanity wants to create more suffering?

    I classify this question under computing, since I don't see fundamental difference between the humanity as a process and the processes we deal with in computing, like the memory management or killing a useless program. In this context, a birth of unwanted baby is similar to a memory leak, which evolves into memory corruption, going over the memory intended for useful tasks.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Current Music: Like the wind/The Most Mysterious Song on the Internet (2a03 + sunsoft 5b famicom cover)
    The Spell of Mastery Progress
    Spent the time between the clients chasing bugs.

    Forgot to close my laptop lid, and one of the guys seen the code.

    To my misfortune the dude is an IT engineer.

    And he seen through my lies about being a dumb whore from Moldavia.

    And he began asking awkward questions why I sell my ass instead of programming.

    What is worse, the tgirl hiding in another room betrayed herself by sneezing.

    And the guy is fucking discreet.

    Sucky day.

    Current Mood: annoyed

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