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Некто написал,
You are a retard who couldn't even cherrypick a proper article to support your argument, which is increasingly easy nowadays to do for almost any argument, given the abundance of papers being published. The article doesn't support your argument, since there is nothing about population statistics regarding this paraphilia in homosexual men, but instead likely describes one of the probable reasons of your transition:

"Some men are sexually aroused by the act or fantasy of impersonating the individuals to whom they are sexually attracted, or permanently changing their bodies to become facsimiles of such individuals (Blanchard, 1991; Freund & Blanchard, 1993; Lawrence, in press). Blanchard (1991) suggested that these paraphilic sexual interests, along with fetishism, could be conceptualized as erotic target location errors, i.e., developmental errors in locating erotic targets inthe environment. Erotic target location errors in which men desire to impersonate or become a facsimile of the kind of person to whom they are attracted can have important implications for identity; consequently, Freund and Blanchard (1993) coined the term erotic target identity inversion to describe this particular type of erotic target location error. The best-known example of erotic target identity inversion is transvestic fetishism, in which men who are sexually attracted to women (gynephilic) are also sexually aroused by the act or fantasy of wearing women’s clothing and impersonating women. Another well known example of erotic target identity inversion is the nonhomosexual type of maleto-female (MtF) transsexualism, in which men who are gynephilic are also sexually aroused by the act or fantasy of permanently changing their bodies into facsimiles of women’s bodies (Blanchard, 1991; Lawrence, 2004, 2007).

Blanchard (1989a) had earlier coined the term autogynephilia (literally, ‘‘love of oneself as a woman’’) to describe the paraphilic sexual interest that he theorized was the driving force behind both transvestic fetishism and nonhomosexual MtF transsexualism. He formally defined autogynephilia as ‘‘a male’s propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female’’ (1989b, p. 616). According to Blanchard’s formulation, autogynephilia is the paraphilic sexual interest that underlies and explains erotic target identity inversion in gynephilic men.

Blanchard (1991) observed that autogynephilic men might desire to emulate almost any element of women’s appearance, embodiment, or experience, leading to several different expressions of autogynephilia. Some autogynephilic men want to temporarily make their bodies resemble women’s bodies by wearing women’s clothing (transvestic autogynephilia), which manifests clinically as transvestic fetishism. Other autogynephilic men want to undergo cross-sex hormone therapy and sex reassignment surgery to permanently change their bodies into facsimiles of women’s bodies (anatomic autogynephilia), which manifests clinically as nonhomosexual (or autogynephilic) MtF transsexualism. In many cases, men who experience transvestic and anatomic autogynephilia also want to behave in ways that are typical of women (behavioral autogynephilia)."

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