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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-11-27 18:00:00

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Настроение: contemplative
Entry tags:transitioning

The Main Problem of Humanity

«Уничтожьте гомосексуалистов — фашизм исчезнет» (c) Максим Горький

For a long time I was puzzled at the common people opposing me taking hormonal medications and removing my penis. After all transitioning is rather a personal issue. Most of them understand well that I need transitioning to be a contributing member of society, hold proper employment and pay taxes, instead of leeching welfare and selling my ass.

I do understand the opportunistic psychopathic politicians like Felon Musk and Jewhanna ROFLing, who use transphobia to rally the deranged moral panicking parents, scaring them that their kids become trans, losing fertility, or that trans kids will rape their girls at school bathrooms.

But why would common folks (not my parents) oppose me personally? I'm no longer eligible for high school and I was never interested in competitive sports. And still these people want to take away my HRT. If they are afraid I will rape their gf or daughter at a female bathroom, they should do the opposite - advocate castrating me, so me raping anyone will be impossible. But they behave completely illogically, instead insisting that my dick should be hard and I should impregnate their GFs and daughters.

Today I kinda understand what is going in their perverted evil heads. They love dicks. I.e. they all have suppressed homosexual tendencies. They get unwell just thinking about somebody removing a dick. Just like I, a lesbian girl, get disgusted thinking that some FtM woman will get a penis instead of vagina. That because I'm not a homosexual - I dislike penises and the degenerate idea of penetrative animal sex (aka rape).

With heterosexual females loving dicks is obvious, but what about all the males? Why would the males hate somebody getting castrated? After all, there will be less competition for the heterosexual women. I was absolutely flabbergasted at the realization of so many men being secretly homosexual.

And at the same time as being shocked by my castration, these men, like all gays, are secretly envious, that I betrayed their gay brotherhood, following my desires, that I'm not interested in the faggy Full Metal Jacked barracks relationships, that I refuse to penetrate. All gays deep inside want to be women to get fucked by real men. So when they see my huge dick, they imagine me bumming them, and when they that I will remove this ugly thing, they feel deep intense hatred, reminiscent to my own hatred towards my male body parts.

This world is driven by hatred. There is no love. True trans girls, like me, transition out of hatred, not the love for men. Because all the ex-gay trans transition not because they feel female, but because of all the male dicks they will get inside of them. I learned that by being in trans community. Only a few lesbian trans truly want to be female.

The globalist obsession with penises is the true main problem of humanity, more harmful than the cancer, the global warming or a potential nuclear war. That is why stopping rape, forced or consensual, should be a priority. Until the last man loses the last penis, our civilization wont achieve peace and prosperity, required for further advances.

As the [info]ololo noted "Большая часть людей бисексуальны. Для успешного встраиванияв иерархии нужна некоторая доля гомосексуальнрсти"

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2024-11-27 18:38 (ссылка)
что нового написали на моей адски больной прыщавой жопе охуенно описывающего себя старого облёванного стукача работавшего на петухелла, трущего комменты кашляющего чахоточного пидара из конуры, киевского обоссаного обмудка трясущего своим разорванным ректалищем, терпилы из жидовской дурки, дырявого петушка компенсирующего отсутствие нормальной жизни брызганием слюней в интернете, писклявой гундосой гыгыкаюшей вонючки, повышаюшего креативность слабоумного вафела, морально-интеллектуального выродка, мудака года, тупого пизданутого рафинированного хамла, реально слабоумного дауна мнящего себя пупом земли, мерзкого бомжа и гея из кондожопы регулярно лижущего буржуазную жопу, переводящего стрелы обоссаного дебила, тупоносого дятла предлагающего свой рот и сраку на панели за небольшой прайс, слабоумного придурка, киевского петуха, облезлой вонючки с разорванной сракой, жалкого червяка совсем потерявшего голову от унижений, ачкастого мудака, кропалика с невлезающей хуйлашкой за щекой, полоумного хуйла, фекального юродивого вонючего задроченного оправдывающегося виновного без пизды поварёнка-каломеса, самого смешного в этой истории скотопидора следящего за движениями, облеванного дауна, обвафленного выблядка которому нравится ощущать эрекцию в своем анусе, спаммера, ебанька живущего свою никчемную жизнь в выдуманном мире, уебка которого нихуя плющит, рыгающего какашками истеричного говноплюя, хронического неудачника, копошащегося в гомне малафейного глиста, обиженки, как всегда распятого на хуях очень ебнутого на самом деле придурка, русни, жида, так ничего и не понявшей что происходит типичной гомосексуальной проститутки часто меняющей половых партнеров, ничтожного червяка и глиста, хуеплета и распидорашенного дегенерата c выпученными глазками и фекально-анальной лексикой, трахающего себя в рот ранимого некропидораса и доведенного до дурки, сосущего хуи, интересуещегося чужими жопами и не забывающего причмокивать говноеда который жрёт гавно 17029 дней, 8 часов и 35 минут, программиста на питоне, всеизвестного сопидора вениамина Додика Хуйлашки из Гродно мойши Шварца?

Додик Хуйлашка Шварц из Гродно.

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2024-11-27 18:49 (ссылка)
нихуя тебя плющит, перцев

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2024-11-27 18:51 (ссылка)
Моя хуйлашка тебе в рот не влезет гы гы

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2024-11-27 18:42 (ссылка)

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2024-11-27 18:53 (ссылка)

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2024-11-27 23:30 (ссылка)
ты уже себе отрезал, лахтопидр?

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2024-11-28 09:17 (ссылка)
They are openly gay and part of furry community.
And they are okay with trans girls.
The main issue comes from the toxic gay bros,
who are afraid to accept their homosexuality.

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2024-11-28 20:36 (ссылка)
>toxic gay bros,
>who are afraid to accept their homosexuality.

So literally you, who transitioned in order to avoid being a femboy.

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2024-12-02 16:36 (ссылка)
I was attracted only the girls. I was never gay.
And transitioning haven't changed that.
I'm sill want to date girls, trans or cis.
So it is really a conservative myth that people become gay.
People can only come out of the closet.
Being gay is mostly orthogonal to being trans.
Many gays just transition or cross-dress to attract mates.
They do that not because they want to be women.
They do that because of others.

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2024-11-27 19:37 (ссылка)
Задков всегда думает о мемба сосаити.


2024-11-27 20:05 (ссылка)
>I'm not a homosexual - I dislike penises and the degenerate idea of penetrative animal sex (aka rape)

Zolotse, the gift that keeps on giving. Literally the most normal thing in existence that produced almost all humans is somehow degenerate.

Not to mention that it's a hilarious sentence.

>I, a lesbian girl

lesbians are homosexual, you fucking multidimensional moron.

>and when they that

whoa? Is that grammar?

>they feel deep intense hatred

You just make shit up. You "realizing" things is just dreaming them up.

>This world is driven by hatred. There is no love

YOUR world is driven by hatred. There is no love in it.

>True trans girls, like me, transition out of hatred

true trans girls have dysphoria. No, you can't redefine it. And hatred is the product of your deviant personality development. You are trying to use your fucked up inner world to understand normal people, which is of course a mistake, and doesn't produce any meaningful results.

>and I was never interested in competitive sports

But others are interested, and not only in sports. So you just get bunched up with them. Not every trans individual become trans for reasons of general insanity like you.

>but what about all the males

Yes, all males find the idea of dicks being cut off and fake "womans" being here and there somewhat iffy. Absolutely unnecessary to invoke homosexuality. There is a vision of normalcy. In this vision men have dicks, and women have vaginas, dicks go into vaginas, and there is no meat sculpture transformation between these two.


I see a much more logical explanation -- if they are to allow you to easily mask as a woman, it would be much harder to detect such individuals. Imagine people wouldn't know that you have horrific mental illnesses right away. It would be awful: they could hire you to lose money in the end, or befriend you to be backstabbed by you, or even killed. It's infinitely useful to keep trans women, especially people like you somewhere in the uncanny valley.

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2024-11-27 20:10 (ссылка)
>have dicks

Ok, homo.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2024-11-27 20:15 (ссылка)
>русский ваня с впитанной с молоком мамы гомофобией


>have dicks

Yes. It's a biological and statistical fact.

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2024-11-27 21:55 (ссылка)
I was not homophobic, before these faggots began attacking me for my transitioning.
But yeah, I'm not super fond of dicks.
Dicks are ugly and disgusting.

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2024-11-28 09:09 (ссылка)
You transitioned because you were homophobic and hated yourself because of that.

>I'm not super fond of dicks.

Yes, those born as heterosexual men don't like dicks.

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2024-11-28 09:21 (ссылка)
>Yes, those born as heterosexual men don't like dicks.

They do like and they enjoy raping women (frequently even children (hello, Stallman)).

>You transitioned because you were homophobic and hated yourself because of that

What is wrong with being homophobic?
I also dislike FPS games and islamists.
So why I can't also dislike the ugly dirty stinky men in general?

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2024-11-28 11:59 (ссылка)
>They do like

Their own dick.

>What is wrong with being homophobic?

Irrational hatred is irrational. If you hadn't been homophobic you wouldn't have been forced to transition, which is very difficult, inconvenient, and in your case involves injecting toxins into your balls. You would have been perfectly fine with your self as you are.

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2024-11-28 13:30 (ссылка)
>Their own dick.
Autoandrophilia is a foundation of homosexuality:

Once you appreciate yourself as a man, you appreciate other men

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2024-11-28 14:17 (ссылка)
You are a retard who couldn't even cherrypick a proper article to support your argument, which is increasingly easy nowadays to do for almost any argument, given the abundance of papers being published. The article doesn't support your argument, since there is nothing about population statistics regarding this paraphilia in homosexual men, but instead likely describes one of the probable reasons of your transition:

"Some men are sexually aroused by the act or fantasy of impersonating the individuals to whom they are sexually attracted, or permanently changing their bodies to become facsimiles of such individuals (Blanchard, 1991; Freund & Blanchard, 1993; Lawrence, in press). Blanchard (1991) suggested that these paraphilic sexual interests, along with fetishism, could be conceptualized as erotic target location errors, i.e., developmental errors in locating erotic targets inthe environment. Erotic target location errors in which men desire to impersonate or become a facsimile of the kind of person to whom they are attracted can have important implications for identity; consequently, Freund and Blanchard (1993) coined the term erotic target identity inversion to describe this particular type of erotic target location error. The best-known example of erotic target identity inversion is transvestic fetishism, in which men who are sexually attracted to women (gynephilic) are also sexually aroused by the act or fantasy of wearing women’s clothing and impersonating women. Another well known example of erotic target identity inversion is the nonhomosexual type of maleto-female (MtF) transsexualism, in which men who are gynephilic are also sexually aroused by the act or fantasy of permanently changing their bodies into facsimiles of women’s bodies (Blanchard, 1991; Lawrence, 2004, 2007).

Blanchard (1989a) had earlier coined the term autogynephilia (literally, ‘‘love of oneself as a woman’’) to describe the paraphilic sexual interest that he theorized was the driving force behind both transvestic fetishism and nonhomosexual MtF transsexualism. He formally defined autogynephilia as ‘‘a male’s propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female’’ (1989b, p. 616). According to Blanchard’s formulation, autogynephilia is the paraphilic sexual interest that underlies and explains erotic target identity inversion in gynephilic men.

Blanchard (1991) observed that autogynephilic men might desire to emulate almost any element of women’s appearance, embodiment, or experience, leading to several different expressions of autogynephilia. Some autogynephilic men want to temporarily make their bodies resemble women’s bodies by wearing women’s clothing (transvestic autogynephilia), which manifests clinically as transvestic fetishism. Other autogynephilic men want to undergo cross-sex hormone therapy and sex reassignment surgery to permanently change their bodies into facsimiles of women’s bodies (anatomic autogynephilia), which manifests clinically as nonhomosexual (or autogynephilic) MtF transsexualism. In many cases, men who experience transvestic and anatomic autogynephilia also want to behave in ways that are typical of women (behavioral autogynephilia)."

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2024-11-28 23:47 (ссылка)
Autoandrophilia is the opposite of autogynephilia.
When instead of blocking testosterone, one starts taking male hormones, because one wants to be as manly as possible.

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2024-11-27 21:02 (ссылка)
Большая часть людей бисексуальны. Для успешного встраиванияв иерархии нужна некоторая доля гомосексуальнрсти, мужчины которые этого не делают, или попадают в тюрьму за изнасилование, или становятся аутистами-аутсайдерами.

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2024-11-27 21:42 (ссылка)
«Уничтожьте гомосексуалистов — фашизм исчезнет» (c) Максим Горький

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2024-11-27 21:49 (ссылка)

Михаил Додик Шварц, программист ботов ПНД "Хуйлашки" (Гродно).

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2024-11-27 22:00 (ссылка)
По мнению безхуйнова обрупка из Киева, которай, напомним, от рождения испражняеца через анальную воронку, а ссыт через катетер, вертуальнае самоубийство Хуйлашки обоссаной -- "действительно, потеря для всех" гхы гхы.

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2024-11-28 02:01 (ссылка)
Орнул с этого

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2024-11-28 07:09 (ссылка)
чего не расскажет миша, мырзин и деце:
нехуй пиздеть и мешать государствам убивать быдло быдлом, в жопу себе засуньте свой пацифизм и миру-мир, и радуйтесь, не срите против урагана.

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2024-11-28 07:30 (ссылка)

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2024-11-28 15:38 (ссылка)
symbolith na foto


2024-12-07 14:00 (ссылка)
>to be a contributing member of society, hold proper employment and pay taxes, instead of leeching welfare and selling my ass.

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2024-12-08 12:05 (ссылка)

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