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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2021-10-23 19:51:00

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Настроение: amused

Mesh Unwrapping
Apparently the technical term for UV generation is "surface mesh parameterization".
And there is some code stolen from Inria's OpenNL, which for some reason was taken offline:

No idea what was the OpenNL license, but I don't plan open sourcing my code, so I can just take anything, without caring about the license. And after it gets compiled it is impossible to prove the source code theft, unless the algorithm itself is patented. Then again, 3DCoat uses this exact algorithm, and I doubt Ukrainians license anything beside Russian gas. The hardest part is downloading that repository on my unstable connection, and then isolating the algorithm from this stinking garbage pile.

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