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Пишет olegmi ([info]olegmi)
@ 2017-08-22 17:39:00

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Entry tags:poetry

wizard land
Calls a voice on me, The Land of Distant Magic,
Drops of silver, morning dew upon the ground…
Calls a voice, the journey beckons — just imagine;
And my mind is a on a merry-go-round.

The Land of Distant Magic,
I’m still a little fragile –
Don’t cruel be or raging,
Oh, cruel please don’t be.
From crystal-clear pages
To Lands of Distant Magic,
To the Land of Distant Magic
My heart is taking me…

Calls a voice on me, The Land of Distant Magic,
It invites me to the Realm of Wondrous Deeds;
Calls a voice, demanding strictly, though sagely,
If today I built tomorrow, indeed…

The Land of Distant Magic,
I’m still a little fragile –
Don’t cruel be or raging,
Oh, cruel please don’t be.
From crystal-clear pages
To Lands of Distant Magic,
To the Land of Distant Magic
My heart is taking me…

Let me swear to be purer and kinder,
Never leave a friend, if stranded on the rocks…
Calls a voice, and I’m racing time to find it –
On this road, yet untraveled up in front…

The Land of Distant Magic,
I’m still a little fragile –
Don’t cruel be or raging,
Oh, cruel please don’t be.
From crystal-clear pages
To Lands of Distant Magic,
To the Land of Distant Magic
My heart is taking me…