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Пишет onanymous ([info]onanymous)
@ 2017-09-28 11:32:00

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Winter is coming
When the strong winds that circle the Arctic slacken, cold polar air can escape and cause extreme winter chills in parts of the Northern hemisphere. A new study finds that these weak states have become more persistent over the past four decades and can be linked to cold winters in Russia and Europe. It is the first to show that changes in winds high up in the stratosphere substantially contributed to the observed winter cooling trend in northern Eurasia. While it is still a subject of research how the Arctic under climate change impacts the rest of the world, this study lends further support that a changing Arctic impacts the weather across large swaths of the Northern Hemisphere population centers.

“In winter, the freezing Arctic air is normally ‘locked’ by strong circumpolar winds several tens of kilometers high in the atmosphere, known as the stratospheric polar vortex, so that the cold air is confined near the pole,” says Marlene Kretschmer from PIK, lead-author of the study to be published in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. “We found that there’s a shift towards more-persistent weak states of the polar vortex. This allows frigid air to break out of the Arctic and threaten Russia and Europe with cold extremes. In fact this can explain most of the observed cooling of Eurasian winters since 1990.”

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2017-09-28 09:35 (ссылка)
Хуйня какая-то. То у них всемирное потепление, льды тают и белым медведям нечего жрать, то теперь похолодание какое-то. Климатолог === пиздящий пидарас.

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2017-09-28 09:40 (ссылка)
через два три месяца погляжу на тебя, как ты будешь отплясывать в своих манерных туфельках возле намертво заглохшей тачки, лах

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2017-09-28 09:57 (ссылка)
Из кожы твоего ануса сделаю себе валенки, блять. Так что прикрой ебало, сука.

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2017-09-28 10:47 (ссылка)
Ну да, арктика теплеет, льды тают, и из-за потепления в арктике арктические вторжения становятся чаще и интенсивнее:

Despite global warming, recent winters in the Northeastern US, Europe and especially Asia were anomalously cold – some regions like Western Siberia even show a downward temperature trend in winter. In stark contrast, the Arctic has been warming rapidly. Paradoxically, both phenomena are likely linked: When sea-ice North of Scandinavia and Russia melts, the uncovered ocean releases more warmth into the atmosphere and this can impact the atmosphere up to about 30 kilometers height in the stratosphere disturbing the polar vortex. Weak states of the high-altitude wind circling the Arctic then favors the occurrence of cold spells in the mid-latitudes.

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