Diary of a madman - Castle peak avalanche
December 11th, 2019
07:36 am


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Castle peak avalanche

Появились подробности недавней лавины на Castle peak.

SAC Forecasters went out on Dec 10 to investigate the avalanche incident
that occurred on Monday Dec 9 in the Castle Peak/Basin Peak area. The area
had numerous tracks and the slope that avalanched was triggered by the 9th
and final snowboarder descending the area. The slope was just over 600'
long and consisted of lower angle terrain on the upper slope descending
into a steep convex rollover with rocky terrain with few trees below.
We considered this complex terrain with many trigger points and multiple
starting zones.

As the final rider was descending the slope, the rider triggered the
avalanche that propagated first to adjacent terrain and then ultimately
above and behind the rider. The rider was caught and carried 200'
downslope. The individual was buried face down, 1 to 2' deep. The
travel partners responded quickly from below and were able to
successfully get to the buried individual dug out in 4 minutes. The
rider was unconscious when first uncovered, but quickly became awake
and oriented.

The avalanche ran about 300' and was about 200' wide. The crown line
was in the 1 to 2' height range. Snow depth in this area varied
greatly from as much as 8' down to 1.5' in steep rocky areas.
Decomposing buried surface hoar was found in the crown as the weak
layer on top of the bed surface and thought to be the primary reason
for failure of this storm slab. Propagation across the slope and
remote triggering are very consistent with buried surface hoar.
No other signs of instability were observed in this immediate area.
On the north side of Castle Peak, there were similar natural
avalanches that were mid slope on convexities that are thought to
have failed near the end of the recent storm also on buried
surface hoar. See attached snowpit for more detailed information.

Castle Peak это наверное, самое популярное место для backcountry skiing в
окрестностях Тахо, поскольку до самого пика прямо с парковки ведет трейл чуть
более 4х миль длиной, это по масштабам туринга вообще не расстояние.
Там же проходит большинство тренингов по курсам лавинной безопасности
и поиска и спасения.

В этой истории поучительно то, что лавину подорвал девятый по счету
сноубордер, т.е. по тому же самому склону непосредственно перед ним без
последствий проехало 8 человек. Take home message состоит в том, что
наличие следов на склоне абсолютно ничего не говорит о стабильности
снежного покрова. Примерно как наличие следов на минном поле не
говорит об отсутствии мин.

Неприятная деталь: человека выкопали через 4 минуты после случившегося
(это быстро), а он уже был без сознания на момент выкапывания, и детали
описания не дают повода преполагать что его долбануло об камень во время
поездки в лавине. Такие истории надо читать на ночь, до выработки легкой
паранои касательно того, как оно работает. Параноики в целом живут дольше.

Current Music: Vukari - Aevum
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