Diary of a madman - Ковидобесное, pt.1
November 30th, 2020
11:35 am


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Ковидобесное, pt.1

(12 comments | Leave a comment)

[User Picture]
Date:December 6th, 2020 - 09:24 am
Оне крышей поехали. В Аламиде чуть полегче:


If you travel outside the Bay Area, it is strongly recommended that you self-quarantine for 14 days after your return if your activities while travelling put you at higher risk of getting COVID-19. These higher risk activities include:
• Spending time within 6 feet of people you do not normally live with, while you or anyone around you was not wearing a face mask – especially if you were indoors.
• Traveling on planes, buses, trains, public transportation, or other shared vehicles, if face masks were not worn at all times by both you and the other people in the vehicle.
[User Picture]
Date:December 7th, 2020 - 08:12 pm
>>> SHORT: Limit gatherings to no more than 2 hours

Если случайно сел на кремовый торт, для предотвращения порчи последнего
не рекомендуется сидеть на нем дольше получаса.
[User Picture]
Date:December 7th, 2020 - 09:41 pm

Опустите ноги в квас и держите целый час

Это чисто американское задротство: вера в статистические модели. Это они так вирусную нагрузку оценивали для сферического коня в вакууме.
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