Diary of a madman - Section 230
December 11th, 2020
10:50 am


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Section 230

Рыжего тут свезли фейсом об тейбл еще разок, теперь
Сенат, в котором у республиканцев большинство.

(CNN) - The Senate voted overwhelmingly on Friday to approve a
sweeping defense bill with a veto-proof majority, a major rebuke to
President Donald Trump who has urged Republican opposition and
threatened to veto the legislation. The vote was 84 to 13.

The Senate vote comes after the House of Representatives
also passed the bill with a veto-proof majority earlier this week.
Now it will be up to Trump to decide how to respond.

Trump has threatened to veto the bill because it doesn't include
a repeal of Section 230, a law that shields internet companies
from being liable for what is posted on their websites by them
or third parties. The bill also includes provisions to limit how
much money Trump can move around for his border wall and another
that would require the military to rename bases that were named after
figures from the Confederacy.

Единственное что мне здесь неясно, почему repeal of Section 230
должен быть в оборонном билле. А так, судя по позиции конгресса,
есть надежда, что свезли рыжего, свезут и дедушку.

Add: О, а вишенки-то я и не заметил:

"I support President @realDonaldTrump's insistence Section 230
repeal be part of the defense authorization bill," he wrote in a
three-tweet thread. "Big Tech is the only industry in America
that cannot be sued for their business practices and are not
meaningfully regulated. This must come to an end."

Надо же, ГОПник хочет больше государственного регулирования
(это к вопросам о том как свободолюбивые консерваторы страдают
от вездесущего государства и спят и видят чтоб его поукоротить).
Кстати, "meaningful regulation" судя по формулировке, это
желание кого-то засудить. Кто сказал "цензура"?! В комменты
призывается покойный Кормильцев.

Current Music: Dark Tranquillity - Skydancer
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