Diary of a madman - Monster avy crown
February 5th, 2021
08:24 am


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Monster avy crown

(8 comments | Leave a comment)

[User Picture]
Date:February 9th, 2021 - 10:34 pm
>Слой такой толщины человек не подломит

есть такая серия фильмов final destination, так вот еще как обломит - и этим человеком
буду я.
место, кстати красивое
[User Picture]
Date:February 17th, 2021 - 08:07 am
Беру свои слова назад

This avalanche occurred on a steep, east-

facing, above-treeline slope on Mount
Trelease, locally known as Pat’s Knob. The
slope angle of the bed surface was generally
35 degrees, but as steep as 42 degrees in
places. This was a very large, hard-slab
avalanche unintentionally triggered by a
snowboarder. The avalanche was large relative
to the path and produced enough destructive
force to bury and destroy a car or destroy a
wood frame house. The crown face of the avalanche
was up to 20 feet deep and 850 feet wide. The
debris ran 500 vertical feet. The avalanche
broke in a layer of faceted snow about 2 feet
from the ground before stepping down to the
ground taking the entire season’s snowpack with

> место, кстати красивое

Реальную красоту фото не передает совершенно,
в реале крышу двигает.
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