Diary of a madman - Ten commandments of the avalanche safety
March 15th, 2021
09:16 pm


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Ten commandments of the avalanche safety

Один из любимых ресурсов, Wildsnow blog.

Ten Commandments of Avalanche Safety Брюса Тремпера, уважаемого,
с комментариями авторов блога.

11th Commandment
Fanaticism is Good. (This is my additional “eleventh”
commandment. Kind of ironic, as the concept of 10 Commandments
is often considered overly fanatical in today’s world of
relativism. Where morality comes from is a topic for philosophy
blogs. In our case, we’ll say that in the case of the proven
physical laws that cause avalanches, a healthy dose of
fanaticism that conforms to those laws is a good thing.

Там же, Dozen tips for ultra avalanche safe ski touring

Там же: Tiny avalanches can kill you
Most importantly, note that it was the difference of mere
feet that made for one totally safe route, and another that
risked death. This validates what I call “micro route finding,”
an avalanche safety skill I believe is significantly more
important than snow science, and much harder to learn. It is
the art of using subtle terrain variations to avoid small, but
nonetheless deadly slides.

You cannot gain this skill from books or classes. You learn
it by being outside observing the world around you through a
lens of fear and conservatism, perhaps while following a mentor
who has the knack. And all the while, you’ve got to remember
how easily human error enters in — that’s the lesson I learned
from this skirmish in the avy jihad.

(The Forest Service avalanche advisory for the day of our
adventure was “low/moderate,” but a sudden warming trend
pegged the danger way past that. One of Andrew’s skis was
lost till he retrieved it that summer. We didn’t need a trip
to the underwear store, but Andrew’s eyes stayed wide for a
few days, and I returned home humbled, resolving to do better...)

Чтобы 666 раз не вставать -- последняя лавина в Айдахо,
подорвана на склоне в 28 градусов (сермяжной мудростью
считающeмся безопасным) если верить карте с указанием углов
наклона. Удаленный подрыв с довольно большого расстояния,
увы напрямую снизу под короной. На склоне было трое, одного
чуток присыпало, второй успел выскочить, третий увы.

Берегите себя.

Current Music: Isvind - Dark Waters Stir
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