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Friday, October 23rd, 2020

    Time Event
    Pouriya Raisi - Bi Zamani

    They excavate tunnels in earth and lay their eggs within its pores; the larvae
    burrow through the earth's skin, migrating in the connective tissues, crust
    and strata, feeding on necrotic solids and surfaces. Burrowing sounds may be
    heard from within the earth. Once they have finished infesting the earth's solid
    part, the larvae will cut breathing holes and press their headless tails against the
    surface for air. The larvae will continue to grow while boring out spinal cavities
    for the earth's body which will never be filled. As the larvae grow, they will
    enlarge the holes and come out of the ground.

    Current Music: Pouriya Raisi - Bi Zamani

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