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@ 2022-06-17 23:56:00

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вообще занятно конечно, что гендерная теория чисто веймарско-ранненацисткая штука,
кажется нигде такого интереса к гендеру не было больше, типа чтобы это был непереферийный


Heinrich Schurtz (born 11 December 1863 in Zwickau; died 2 May 1903 in Bremen) was a German ethnologist and historian. His most significant work is said to be Altersklassen und Männerbünde (Age-classes and Male Bands) which emphasized the role gender and generational issues have in social institutions and argued that basing the society on the family was a step backwards.[1] His notion of Männerbünde placed male associations, where he deemed masculinity more "unfettered", in opposition to the family which he saw as dominated by women.[2] Notions of Männerbünde, though not just Schurtz's, would have an influence on Nazi Germany's SS[3] while in a very different way his ideas on same-sex bonding has become of historical interest to Queer studies.


The Gemeinschaft opposed Hirschfeld and the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee's stance that homosexuality existed on a continuum with femininity. Brand and the Gemeinschaft instead believed that homosexuality was the epitome of manliness and brotherly love, to be expressed by any man. The group tended towards elitism who based their ideas of attractiveness around Germanic racial purity. Their views towards women were often misogynistic. The Gemeinschaft followed a strategy of outing high-visibility homosexuals. They termed this strategy the "path over corpses" (German: Weg uber Leichen).[5]

The GdE was similar to other such groups in Germany at the time, such as the Wandervogel. Wilhelm Jansen, co-founder of the Gemeinschaft der Eigenen, was one of the chief financial supporters of the Wandervogel and also a leader in it.[6]

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