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@ 2024-04-15 04:44:00

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In the early-1970s, this change of name so angered Felix Bloch that he blocked DeWitt's appointment to Stanford University and DeWitt and his wife Cecile DeWitt-Morette, a mathematical physicist, accepted faculty positions at the University of Texas at Austin.


In the fall of 1971, DeWitt accepted a visiting professorship at Stanford. The physics department was looking for a replacement for Leonard Schiff, who had died the year before. Stanford indeed looked promising, not least because the mathematics department expressed an interest in hiring Cécile. The members of the physics department were sufficiently pleased by Bryce’s visit that they made preparations to offer him a professorship. This, however, was vetoed by Felix Bloch, who upon learning that Bryce had changed his surname 20 years earlier, refused to allow the offer to proceed.

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2024-04-16 05:54 (ссылка)
Bloch был, видимо, еврей, а ДеВитт сменил именя с Seligman на DeWitt
для того, чтобы не ощущать антисемитизм. Видимо, Блоха сие возмутило
(хотя с фамилией Блох, которая не откровенно еврейская, он мог бы и
помолчать: Seligman это примерно как Сруль Абрамович, фамилия не просто
еврейская, а пародийно еврейская)

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2024-04-16 07:23 (ссылка)
само собой, да

ну девитт седьмая вода на киселе был и батя настоял чтобы все дети взяли фамилию матери в пятидесятом году, и уже его отец был воспитан матерью в методистской вере

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2024-04-16 05:58 (ссылка)
Henry Hilton slandered Seligman as “shoddy—false—squeezing—unmanly,” a social climber who “has to push himself upon the polite.” Hilton drew upon themes familiar from wartime antisemitism: the Jew as speculator who trafficked in credit and debt; the Jew as obsequious ingratiator who attached himself to the powerful; the Jew as profiteer who advanced by improper means; the Jew as vulgarian who flaunted his (and her) obscene wealth and did not know his (or her) place; and the Jew as overlord whose money allowed him (or her) to displace others. In short, the “Seligman Jew” was the “shoddy aristocrat” by another name.

Есть даже фильм Вуди Аллена про ту же психологическую хуйню, называется Zelig

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2024-04-16 06:03 (ссылка)
цитата отсюда

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2024-04-16 05:58 (ссылка)

Fred remembered hearing a story about a rich Jew, Joseph Seligman, barred from a ritzy resort hotel in Saratoga Springs, NY. “No Israelites,” the hotel’s manager informed him. When his rejection led to public criticism, the hotel boss doubled down. He told the New York Times: “Should the Seligman Jew be excluded from first class hotels? I say emphatically yes.”

Fred remembered reading how certain private universities, most notably Harvard, introduced policies which placed a quota on Jews admitted to the university. Abbott Lawrence Lowell, the president of Harvard University from 1909-1933, argued that a "limit be placed on the number of them...admitted to the university."
