друг друга пердуна's Journal
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Below are 20 journal entries, after skipping by the 20 most recent ones recorded in друг друга пердуна's LiveJournal:

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    Wednesday, May 1st, 2024
    11:57 pm
    очень нравятся каналы с АИ хитами

    I Think I Just Shit In My Pants (rare 1960's soul vinyl)

    Liquid Poo-Poo - Hookah Harry (1977)

    и самое любимое

    Daydreamin' (About Taking a Huge Dump, Then Getting up To Piss on the Dump To Cut It in Half)

    Rodney Munch - It's Time To Take a Shit on the Company​’​s Dime (FULL SONG)

    Fuggin' Gabagool - Paulie and Paula Goombah (1955)

    First Date Farts (Don't Shit, Don't Shit, Don't Shit)
    11:55 pm
    Billy Boy- The Novells

    Unidentified group probably from Minnesota, USA. Apart from a certain Steve Johnson, I don't know the names of the members. This music is a strange cover of that of Graeme Allwright (who is French). This version was released in 1967 on the Westchester label with the B-side "Go Now". More information about them will be welcome. It's a recording that I made alone like a grown-up with my first vinyl ^^ that I received.
    Tuesday, April 30th, 2024
    7:57 pm

    Differentiability of Adelic Volumes and Equidistribution on Quasi-Projective Varieties
    Debam Biswas

    Differentiability of geometric and arithmetic volumes of Hermitian line-bundles leads to the proof of equidistribution results on projective varieties using the variational principle. In this article, we work in the setting of adelic divisors on quasi-projective varieties recently introduced by Xinyi Yuan and Shou-Wu Zhang to show that their geometric and arithmetic adelic volume functions are differentiable on the big cone. We introduce the notions of positive intersection products and show that the differentials are realised as positive intersection products against integrable divisors at big points. We show an analogue of the Fujita Approximation for restricted volumes of adelic divisors in the geometric setting using a construction similar to those of positive intersections and as an application of our differentiability result we derive a slightly weaker quasi-projective analogue of the equidistribution theorem of Berman and Boucksom which generalises the equidistribution obtained by Yuan and Zhang for arithmetically nef adelic divisors on quasi-projective varieties.
    Monday, April 29th, 2024
    2:30 am

    Let $M\subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be a connected component of an algebraic set $\varphi^{-1}(0)$, where $\varphi$ is a polynomial of degree $d$. Assume that $M$ is contained in a ball of radius $r$. We prove that the geodesic diameter of $M$ is bounded by $2r\nu(n)d(4d-5)^{n-2}$, where $\nu(n)=2{\Gamma({1}/{2})\Gamma(({n+1})/{2})}{\Gamma({n}/{2})}^{-1}$. This estimate is based on the bound $r\nu(n)d(4d-5)^{n-2}$ for the length of the gradient trajectories of a linear projection restricted to $M$.


    туда же много интересного про "управляемую трансверсальность" и оценку диаметра в терминах степени тут


    Symplectic submanifolds and almost-complex geometry
    S. K. Donaldson
    Friday, April 26th, 2024
    1:46 am
    узнал из подкаста про духа эмануэля и шико шавьера, самого великого бразильца всех времен по мнению бразильцев

    On October 3, 2012, the SBT television TV show O Maior Brasileiro de Todos os Tempos named Chico Xavier "The Greatest Brazilian of all time", based on a viewer-supported survey.
    1:06 am

    кстати хороший бразильский канал c отрывками из подкаст с интервью про паранормальные явления теории заговора и все такое кто такое любят
    1:02 am
    12:57 am
    Pois É, Seu Zé
    Luiz Américo - Pois É, Seu Zé (1973)

    Gonzaguinha - Pois É, Seu Zé
    Thursday, April 25th, 2024
    11:50 pm
    11:46 pm
    Só Que Deram Zero Pro Bedeu (Bedeu) · Claudya
    11:40 pm
    Pois É, Seu Zé · Claudya 1973
    11:30 pm
    Carlos Perón - Nothing Is True; Everything Is Permitted (1984)
    11:25 pm
    The Vampires' Sound Incorporation - Psychedelic Dance Party (1969)
    9:41 pm

    Equidistribution of zeros of holomorphic sections in the non compact setting
    Tien-Cuong Dinh, George Marinescu, Viktoria Schmidt
    Journal of Statistical Physics, 2012

    We consider N-tensor powers of a positive Hermitian line bundle L over a non-compact complex manifold X. In the compact case, B. Shiffman and S. Zelditch proved that the zeros of random sections become asymptotically uniformly distributed with respect to the natural measure coming from the curvature of L, as N tends to infinity. Under certain boundedness assumptions on the curvature of the canonical line bundle of X and on the Chern form of L we prove a non-compact version of this result. We give various applications, including the limiting distribution of zeros of cusp forms with respect to the principal congruence subgroups of SL2(Z) and to the hyperbolic measure, the higher dimensional case of arithmetic quotients and the case of orthogonal polynomials with weights at infinity. We also give estimates for the speed of convergence of the currents of integration on the zero-divisors.
    3:38 am
    Hildegard of Bingen: Caritas abundant in Omnia - Love Aboundeth In All Things

    habundat in omnia,
    de imis excellentissima
    super sidera
    atque amantissima
    in omnia,
    quia summo regi osculum pacis

    abounds in all,
    from the depths exalted and excelling
    over every star,
    and most beloved
    of all,
    for to the highest King the kiss of peace
    she gave.
    3:17 am
    Russian folk tune "Batyushka"

    The traditional tune of the Kursk region "Batyushka" (Father) is performed by:
    Evgeny Shestopalov, Ariadna Shestopalova, Arseny Konev, Olga Litavrina, Maria Shatokhina, Anastasia Chaplygina, Roman Lukyanchikov, Victoria Sigutina, Maxim Melnikov, Irina Shestopalova, Sergey Biryukov, Anna Gakhova, Victoria Muntyanova, Arseny Shestopalov

    Musical instruments: kugikly, balalaika, Kursk pipe, Kursk horn

    March 2024, Sudzha, Kursk region, Russia
    (Live sound)
    Wednesday, April 24th, 2024
    11:49 pm
    возникла вот такая картинка:
    если у нас есть труба профиль которой очень длинная замкнутая кривая.
    если мы выберем любое направление L и любую плоскость H, не проходящую через ось трубы, то
    сечение трубы плоскостью H будет иметь диаметр не меньший чем диаметр изначальной кривой.
    более того проекция этого сечения на плоскость вдоль направления L уменьшает диаметр, в худшем случае умножая его на положительную константу [константа зависит от угла \alpha между H и L], потому что проекция липшицева, c константой типа cos \alpha. то есть если мы выберем угол по которой режем трубу то если мы будем удлинять сечение добавляю больше складок то сечение тоже будет становиться сколько угодно длинным и его проекция.

    ну хочется что-то такое использовать чтобы строить многообразия большого диаметра из многообразий большого диаметра меньшей размерности.

    ну например возьмем сюрьективное непрерывное отображение F из трехмерной сферы в двумерную, например Хопфа. зафиксируем на каждой сфере круглую метрику а на их произведении -- метрика произведения.
    для любой кривой C в S^2 возьмем цилиндр C\times S^3 в произведении S^3\times S^2
    размерность этого цилиндра 4 в 5-мерном пространстве. теперь пересечем его с графиком F, размерность
    которого 3, то есть ожидаемая размерность пересечения 2. диаметр этого пересечения S [в метрика индуцироованной с метрики произведения] не меньше диаметра C [любой путь при проецированияя на S^2 только уменьшит длину]. при необходимости можно немного пошевелить F чтобы персечение стало многообразием ожидаемой размерности, при шевелении сюрьективность F не изменится.

    F у нас выбрано наперед и ограничение на график F проекции из S^3\times S^2 на S^3 это липшицева взаимно-однозначная функция, с минимумом нормы производной -- каким-то положительным [быть может очень маленьким] числом \epsilon.
    диаметр S при проецировании в худшем случае умножится на \epsilon. образ S будет каким-то погруженным многообразием в S^3 размерности два и любого диаметра.
    кажется работает.

    если работает, то следующий шаг будет попробовать проделать то же самое с CP^3 и CP^2 и в качестве графика F брать замыкание графика какого-нибудь доминантного рационального морфизма.
    2:03 am

    Formal structure of scalar curvature in generalized Kähler geometry
    Vestislav Apostolov, Jeffrey Streets, Yury Ustinovskiy

    Building on works of Boulanger and Goto, we show that Goto's scalar curvature is the moment map for an action of generalized Hamiltonian automorphisms of the associated Courant algebroid, constrained by the choice of an adapted volume form. We derive an explicit formula for Goto's scalar curvature, and show that it is constant for generalized Kähler-Ricci solitons. Restricting to the generically symplectic type case, we realize the generalized Kähler class as the complexified orbit of the Hamiltonian action above. This leads to a natural extension of Mabuchi's metric and K-energy, implying a conditional uniqueness result. Finally, in this setting we derive a Calabi-Matsushima-Lichnerowicz obstruction and a Futaki invariant.
    1:51 am
    Alexandrov spaces are CS sets
    Tadashi Fujioka

    We prove that the extremal stratification of an Alexandrov space by Perelman-Petrunin is a CS stratification in the sense of Siebenmann. We also show that every space of directions of an Alexandrov space without proper extremal subsets is homeomorphic to a sphere. In the appendix we give an example of a primitive extremal subset of codimension 2 that is not an Alexandrov space with respect to the induced intrinsic metric.

    12:32 am
    Vitroles - Gatinha comunista

    A minha vida estava sem sentido
    Eu precisava de uma revolução
    O que eu não tinha percebido
    É que um espectro rondava o meu coração
    Depois que eu te vi pensei que nada mais valia
    Não ter você é a minha alienação
    Minha gatinha comunista eu preciso te dizer
    Que eu acho que o vermelho fica tão bem em você
    Espero que você abra uma exceção:
    Eu quero a propriedade privada do seu coração
    Eu não quero ser só mais um camarada
    Eu quero ficar com você até a morte
    E se algum outro homem estiver na jogada
    Eu boto ele pra correr igual o traidor do Trótski
    Nem o materialismo dialético é tão certo
    Quanto o que eu sinto quando você está por perto
    Minha gatinha comunista eu preciso te dizer
    Que eu acho que o vermelho fica tão bem em você
    Espero que você abra uma exceção:
    Eu quero a propriedade privada do seu coração
    Não deixe que a revolução tome tanto tempo assim
    Nos seus planos quinquenais guarde espaço para mim
    Porque quem ama não vive só de memória
    Como já dizia Fukuyama, esse seria o fim da nossa história
    Minha gatinha comunista eu preciso te dizer
    Que eu acho que o vermelho fica tão bem em você
    Espero que você abra uma exceção:
    Eu quero a propriedade privada do seu coração
    Agora em russo!
    Моя кошечка-комунистка, я хочу тебе сказать,
    Что тебе так идет красный цвет.
    Надеюсь, ты сделаешь мне исключение:
    Я хочу быть частным собственником твоего сердца
    Minha gatinha comunista eu preciso te dizer
    Que eu acho que o vermelho fica tão bem em você
    Espero que você abra uma exceção:
    Eu quero a propriedade privada do seu coração
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