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[Nov. 29th, 2007|06:52 pm]
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Date:December 1st, 2007 - 11:29 am

And it's done!

I did it. Despite everything that happened this month, I wrote 50,049 words in the month of November. I wrote the beginning, the middle few scenes, and end. The ending blows, but I'm pretty content with the beginning and the random scenes in the middle, but the ending I'm not so pleased with. I think I'm going in the right direction with how I want the novel to end (it needs a little bit of disonance. I don't want an epic battle or clean resolution at the end. Doesn't fit the theme of what I'm trying to say.)

So Katy, ready to exchange? I can't wait to read!

And, anyone else, feel like reading a bunch of crap so you can laugh hysterically?