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[Nov. 29th, 2007|06:52 pm]
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Так во всяком безобразье
Что-то есть хорошее
Вот герой народный - Разин
Со княжною брошеной
В Волгу бросил ее Разин
Дочь живую Персии
Так посмотришь: безобразье
А красиво - песенно...

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Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:05 am

Send a Pencil to a Pencil . . . head

Well, the Broadway stage hands are going back to work already. Different story for the writers in Hollywood (and New York, and elsewhere). They are in it for the long haul, looks like, and I'm rooting for them. I have to. It's the rights of ALL writers they're fighting for, ultimately.

This is a fun video promoting a cool idea: send pencils to the moguls in Hollywood who are trying to deny writers their fair share of Internet revenues:


And here's the link where you can go to send a pencil--or a dozen--to said moguls:


And here's another video which is just HILARIOUS, and points out WHY said pencil...moguls should be inundated in protests. Fill 'em full of lead! Er, graphite.


4 pages today

Points in The Race:
26 for short stories
16 for novels
42 total
[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:05 am

PSA -- The Great LJ Freakout of 2007

I swear I go out to dinner & everying goes to hell...

Until I've got a better handle on what the heck LJ is up to, I'm locking everything down. If for some reason you want to see something, post here & I'll be happy to friend you back ASAP.

[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:06 am

Граждане с просроченными паспортами смогут проголосо

20:45 30.10.2007

Граждане с просроченными паспортами смогут проголосовать на выборах

Граждан СССР и россиян с просроченными паспортами допустят к голосованию на думских выборах.
Кулясова напомнила, что на предыдущих парламентских выборах 2003 года граждане со старыми союзными паспортами голосовать не могли.

read more at Яндекс.Новости: Выборы-2007
[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:06 am

Sammyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lookin very good indeedyyyy!


[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:06 am
All you people looking at me, you just say what you want
You never come and reach your hand out to me

Actuality, I want to love the world before me
Actuality I do, but

[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:07 am

pay attention to me, i dont talk for my health
[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:07 am

обработка звука

Хороший список программного обеспечения (со ссылками) для работы со звуком в Linux: http://linux-sound.org/
[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:07 am


[User Picture]
Date:November 30th, 2007 - 07:08 am


Согласно закону российской педерации, овощи на выборах голосовать не могут.

Зато могут:

Так что, если ты не овощ, а один из вышеперечисленных, пиздуй:)

Мы, многонациональный народ Российской Федерации,
соединенные общей судьбой на своей земле,
утверждая права и свободы человека, гражданский мир и согласие,
сохраняя исторически сложившееся государственное единство,
исходя из общепризнанных принципов равноправия и самоопределения народов,
чтя память предков, передавших нам любовь и уважение к Отечеству, веру в добро и справедливость,
возрождая суверенную государственность России и утверждая незыблемость ее демократической основы,стремясь обеспечить благополучие и процветание России,
исходя из ответственности за свою Родину перед нынешним и будущими поколениями,
сознавая себя частью мирового сообщества,

[User Picture]
Date:December 1st, 2007 - 11:27 am

29/1 [news] Shinhwa hold FAN-MEETING on 10/2


Group Shinhwa will meet their long awaited fans soon.

On the 2nd of February, evening 7.30pm, Shinhwa will hold their 8th fan meeting "M.I.S-0210" (mission impossible shinhwa 0210)

it is estimated that around 10 000 fans will attend this fanmeeting. through the fantastic events that Shinhwa Changjo has prepared for them, tests like testing their vocals, knowledge, and acting skills, are all out to discover further talents of the boys.

Shinhwa has also prepared songs "once in a lifetime", "your man" and other songs for the fans. also included are Shinhwa's videos with fans. also, the group under the same label "Battle" will also attend this event, and perform the song "Crash". looking forward to the fanmeeting, Shinhwa expresses their wish to see their fans as soon as possible. they hope to do their best for the fans, and hope that everyone will be happy on that day. Also, Shinhwa is also attending the SUPER ARENA "valentine super concert 2007" on 14/2.

credits// innolife.net + liga@bestshinhwa.com + prizzyy@ http://s-shinhwasarang.com/forum
[User Picture]
Date:December 1st, 2007 - 11:28 am


Why did he have to run off and make me worried out of my mind, only to randomly appear here without a warning at all? It's just ... it's not fair.

Things are looking up, I guess. There's some kind of ... apartment nearby or something. Maybe I'll go and check that out later. I'd really not like to sleep outside alone. ... Nevermind.
[User Picture]
Date:December 1st, 2007 - 11:29 am

Ни к чему не относящийся мыслеобраз.

Друзья бывшими не бывают. Просто иногда они оказываются обыкновенными знакомыми.
[User Picture]
Date:December 1st, 2007 - 11:29 am

And it's done!

I did it. Despite everything that happened this month, I wrote 50,049 words in the month of November. I wrote the beginning, the middle few scenes, and end. The ending blows, but I'm pretty content with the beginning and the random scenes in the middle, but the ending I'm not so pleased with. I think I'm going in the right direction with how I want the novel to end (it needs a little bit of disonance. I don't want an epic battle or clean resolution at the end. Doesn't fit the theme of what I'm trying to say.)

So Katy, ready to exchange? I can't wait to read!

And, anyone else, feel like reading a bunch of crap so you can laugh hysterically?
[User Picture]
Date:December 1st, 2007 - 11:29 am

Monday 26th - Wednesday 28th November 2007

Monday started off with Core Biology. The previous night I hadn't got to sleep until late because there was loud people on my floor. So I didn't really take must in in lectures, though I did try. After I had practical, which was assessed. This woke me up lol. After that, I had an afternoon to myself because everyone was at lectures. Oh I saw Jenna briefly at lunchtime. Jess convinced me to go to ASDA with her at 5, but then I couldn't contact her - she disappeared off the face of the earth! Sat in kitchen 447 with Jenna and Alex for a little while before going back to my room. Talked to Andy online and when Jess reappeared by phone call, all three of us went to ASDA. Got back at about 11 after Jess broke the trolley. Got back to campus, had a chat with Jess, but she wanted to do work. Went and watched Jeremy Clarkson with Andy.
Only had one morning lecture and afterwards, I was going into town with Andy, but he had lectures. Watched Dark Angel and tried to catch up on sleep, but it wouldn't work. I think I've got that weird stomach thing again. Had British Wildlife lectures in the afternoon, which were good. Tried to eat when I got back, but I couldn't stomach much. Cinema to see Shrooms. Excellent film, but very trippy. There's a twist at the end as well. Got back, went upstairs briefly before I came downstairs to watch Spooks :)
Wednesday was the amazing trip to Donna Nook. The trip was long, but worth it. The baby seals were awesome. Loved the fieldtrip, though seal counting is pretty hard. Got a bit stressed on the trip back because I thought we'd be back late. Got back in good time, rang Ruth and got ready. Saw Jenna briefly. Went with Ruth to KFC, then gig in the Academy. Thought we'd be late, but we really weren't. Hardly anyone there. Got a bit tipsy - talk of Bush, Blair and Bin Laden lol. The supports, Grown At Home and The Flaming Tsunamis, were good and Sonic Boom 6 were amazing. Would have jumped about a bit more, but I got a stitch lol. Came back to halls and went upstairs with Ruth. Corridor talk with Jess and Andy. Watched the Number 23 in Jess's room. Really good film, though Andy found out my name and room number add up to 23 :S Slightly scared. Jenna came to join us after, but then she went to bed. Ruth went to bed too. Me, Jess and Andy talked for ages. I went to go to my room, but Jess started attacking me with this ball. All 3 of us ended up in my room. Had a little indepth talk... They did leave at about 4ish, leaving a "scary" note under the door. Had a shower then went to bed.
[User Picture]
Date:December 1st, 2007 - 11:30 am

Come back to me

So basically I'm spazzing over 2 movies I desperatly want to see, one is Atonement !!!!!!! and the other is Sweeney Todd!!!

So Atonement is one of those kissy kissy goo goo romance movies, but the way that they did it looks INCREDIBLE. Especially since it's back in WW2 and that era is one...of my most absolute favorite...eras...ever..traiiler...

The other is Sweeney Todd, the hottest barber known on the face of the planet;even if he does have a tendency to kill whoever sits in his chair. <3<3<3<3

And because of my dumb luck I can't see either in theaters and have to wait to rent them. *curses*

Crap, I've got to go.
[User Picture]
Date:December 1st, 2007 - 11:30 am

Weird things we wonder when we have PMS.

You know, years ago, before Mom died, I gave Match.com a serious try. I bought a six-month membership and worked Match like I'd never worked Match before. What did I turn up? Enough losers to fill up an entire blog, which I eventually took down with a view towards reworking it into a book. But what would have been  my overarching theme? That it was hopeless? It really was hopeless, I decided. Imagine my disgust that I met Big T on Match.  I mean, I'm happy to have met Big T. But I wish I could still say "You never meet ANYONE good on Match.com" with my previous fervor and conviction.


Of all the men I dated that spring and summer, and I can't count how many dates I went on, the one I liked the most turned out to be the worst of the lot. Now, I'm sure that says more about me than anyone I dated. He presented as a super nice man, a regular guy with a good sense of humor and very modest life goals, but smart. He turned out to be manipulative, sleazy, and almost sadistic, as far as what he put women through. He simply liked making women look and feel foolish. He was that kind of a jerk. When i got wind of his game, I told him he grossed me out, moved on, haven't thought about it much in the last two and a half years. I've had other things to think about, like, Mom dying, surgery, various romantical adventures, my job, my kids, and American Idol. 

But he has this website up for this club he had. He was always pretty jazzed about this silly website and this silly club. He was so excited about it that I actually checked on it now and then, just to make sure it was defunct, because the big ick deserves to be disappointed that his club fell apart. 

It has to have been a good year since I looked. But I typed in the web address and looked at it last month. Why?

In his "club history," he explains that he and the woman he started the club with broke up and married other people and that had ruined the club, but he's going to keep the website going. Okay, I was right, it appears everyone discovered what a sleaze he is. And I care because...? What is wrong with me? But here's the deal--I think I know who he married. And I feel SORRY for this woman, because she was neat. And this has just exactly what to do with me?  I only knew this woman for three months and she's probably fine, even if she DID marry the big jerk. She loved him. It's probably what she always wanted. So why am I even wondering this? I think about the prospect of her marrying him, and I think, oh my GOD. Please tell me she didn't.  WHY AM i WASTING MENTAL ENERGY ON THIS? Here's a woman I barely knew, she's a grownup, she makes her own choices, and maybe she's HAPPY with the big bucket of sleaze, who knows? Why am I obsessing over this? 

I just looked at the website again. Does this happen to anyone else? I surrender this thought, I send it out to the universe. Rachael, wherever you are, I hope you're happy, even if it's with that jerk. 

It has to be PMS. And now I'd like to stop thinking about this.
[User Picture]
Date:December 1st, 2007 - 11:31 am

What would you like to read here?

The subject line says it all. What would you like me to write about? I have made a commitment to post something of interest every day. But that "of interest" bit means I need your help. What are you interested in reading? I invite questions and suggestions on all topics (except maybe sports -- I don't know anything about sports). I can't say how quickly I'll respond, but respond I will.
[User Picture]
Date:December 1st, 2007 - 11:31 am

American Idol: Season 6, Episode 8 Recap

The American Idol auditions tend to be a polarizing enterprise. On one hand, they are enjoyable as all hell. Viewers eagerly await both the good and the bad of the auditions. They want to see the next great, unknown singers and they also want to watch all the delusional, terrible singers that regularly get belittled in the national spotlight.

On the other hand, there are some who take offense to the biting nature of the criticism doled out by the judges. They offer up the opinion that they are far meaner than necessary and they make examples out of innocent people. Which side of the fence am I on? Well, let’s just say that I love the audition episodes. Who cares how mean the judges are, really?

The targets fro the judges venom are not innocent, no matter how they look. They are typically deserving of the criticism. It’s refreshing to have a show where the untalented and crazy people aren’t coddled. Being too nice, and too much positive reinforcement is a real problem in today’s society. It’s sets up unreasonable expectations for many aspiring youngsters. Their expectations are too high of themselves. Our culture is obsessed with fame and kids are told over and over again that you can be famous. You are good enough.

The plain fact of the matter is that most people aren’t good enough. To be fair, most people figure this out on their own. However, the ones we see on American Idol who suck, just haven’t heard the truth. Or, if they have, are too delusional to take it in stride. Simon Cowell brings them back to earth and, normally, this is a good thing for the contestant, sheerly on a personal level.

For more information about American Idol or especially about American Idol: Season 6, Episode 8 Recap please visit http://www.buddytv.com
[User Picture]
Date:December 1st, 2007 - 11:31 am

no one listens and everyone talks


Let him know that you know best
Cause after all you do know best
Try to slip past his defense
Without granting innocence
Lay down a list of what is wrong
The things you've told him all along
And pray to God he hears you

I do not like repeating myself, I do not explaining myself again and over again when what I said was quite clear, I do not like circular conversations. i do not like it when i feel like we cannot communicate properly.notice how whenever we argue, we don't argue about the important point (s) , but rather we argue past each other?

and that makes me tired and exhausted. because at the end of the day, no one listens and everyone talks.

and maybe for a change, some peace would do us (me) good. you say, why is it that I have to get angry over every small thing. nit-pick and grit-pick your way through. maybe i am, maybe i am not. but don't forget, it takes two hands to clap in everything that you play and say.

tell me what would you do when everything seems to go wrong. when things seem to change. 

And when I get that feeling
I can no longer slide I can no longer run
And when I get that feeling
I can no longer hide for it's no longer fun