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Пишет pigh ([info]pigh)
@ 2010-09-15 00:39:00

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Erdogan Panic Travel presents
Эрдоган открыл свое турбюро и спешно зовет армян на литургию 19 сентября на острове Ахтамар.
Массовка это святое!!!
Subject: Invitation
From: "enformasyondairesi" <enformasyondairesi@byegm.gov.tr>
Date: Tue, September 14, 2010 4:30 pm

Dear Madam/Sir,

As Directorate General of Press and Information, we are delighted to
reveal that a liturgy will be held on Sept.19, 2010 at the Museum of Surp
Haç Church on Akhdamar Island, Van. And on behalf of our Directorate we
would like to invite you to the international visiting programme covering
Istanbul and Van, between Sept.17-22, 2010.

The detailed programme will be delivered after receiving your kind response.

All the expenditures including flight, accomodation and subtenance will be
covered by our Directorate General as a courtesy.

Looking forward to your kind reply,

Best regards.

Information Department
Directorate General of Press and Information
Office of the Prime Minister of Turkey

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