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@ 2017-09-26 08:30:00

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We'll eat fire and ice and destruction because we're angry
Ничего себе история. Я не раз видел упоминание того, что приемный сын Гилмора
сидел, но в подробности не вдавался. А подробности такие, да -


The son of the Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmour has been jailed for 16 months after admitting violent disorder during a student fees protest in central London last December.

Charlie Gilmour, 21, was seen hanging from a union flag on the Cenotaph and later leaped on the bonnet of a Jaguar car forming part of the royal convoy taking the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall to the royal variety performance that was attacked by demonstrators. He also set fire to papers outside the supreme court in Parliament Square and was seen kicking at a window of a Topshop branch in Oxford Street and later carrying the leg of a mannequin. Students attacking the store caused £50,000 damage.

Не вполне виктимлесс, конечно, но давать за это 16 месяцев тюрячки (правда, выпустили через 4) - жесткач.