Дмитрий Аверин. Поэт-антисемит. - May 31st, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May 31st, 2007

[May. 31st, 2007|07:58 am]

To have some idea of the order of magnitude of gold vanishing into private hoards during the period from 1950 through 2007, let us recall some facts and figures.

Output from Western mines plus Russian gold sales before the collapse of the Soviet Union (approximate quantities in gold dollars at $35/Troy oz.):
1950-51: $ 2,000m; 1952-65: $ 21,000m; 1966-68: $ 3,400m; 1969-2006: $ 77,500m. 

Absorption into private hoards from mine output, gold pool sales plus US/IMF/central bank gold auctions (approximate quantities in gold dollars at $35/Troy oz.):
1950-51: $ 100m; 1952-65: $ 9,000m; 1966-68: $ 3,200m; 1969-2006: $ 80,000m.


This private absorption of gold is unprecedented, both as to its magnitude and its speed. The total amount of gold absorption for the entire 56-year period 1950-2007 was approximately $ 90,000m, an amount greater than all the gold produced in history before 1950.


Fifty percent of all the gold in existence has been produced since 1960. The same fifty percent has been withdrawn from the public domain during the same period of time and disappeared in private hoards. There is no way to account for this gold. We do not know the location, the identity of owners, nor their intentions what they wanted to do with it. This is a sea change portending a still greater sea change to come. This is a situation comparable to the disappearance of the gold and silver coinage of ancient Rome portending the fall of the Empire. For this sea change the public is totally unprepared. It is left in complete ignorance, due to the deep silence of the media and academia.


The gold hoarder must be prepared to, and mentally capable of, using gold exclusively as his numeraire in calculating asset values as well as pofit and loss. He must understand that profit/loss accounting in terms of the paper dollar is tantamount to trying to measure length with an elastic measuring-tape.
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[May. 31st, 2007|08:56 am]

Gold Reserves of all reporting Central Banks of the world in 1948, amounted to 970 million ounces, or 30,170 metric tonnes

Gold Reserves peaked in 1966, at 1,230 million ounces, or 38,257 metric tones.

Gold Reserves declined to a minimum low of 889 million ounces, or 27,651 metric tonnes in 2003.

Gold Reserves increased once again, to 919 million ounces, or 28,583 metric tonnes, in January 2007.

A grand total of 90,674 metric tonnes of gold
have been bought up by private individuals since 1966!

CB and IMF reported share of world gold stocks has fallen from 50.34% in 1966 to 18.2% today; however, careful studies estimate undisclosed Central Bank loans of gold of up to 15,000 tonnes, which the borrowers (“bullion banks”) sold to private individuals. If CBs have actually lost 15,000 tonnes of gold in their useless effort to contain its price, then roughly speaking we would have:

Ownership of world gold:

  • CBs and IMF: 8.65 % of world gold stock

  • Private hands: 91.35% of world gold stock.

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вобля [May. 31st, 2007|09:14 am]
НЕДАВНО УЧЕНЫЕ из австралийского университета Монэш заявили, что два мощных землетрясения, происшедших в Юго-Восточной Азии 26 декабря прошлого года (9 баллов, привело к образованию цунами) и 28 марта этого (8,7 балла), могут на самом деле являться предвестниками третьего, которое произойдет в районе Суматры и приведет к взрыву одного из земных супервулканов Тоба.

От обычного вулкана супервулкан отличается примерно так же, как пушка от пистолета и даже еще значительнее. В отличие от обычного вулкана супервулкан представляет собой не гору, а впадину, называемую кальдерой (см. схему). Впадина имеет такие гигантские размеры, что разглядеть ее можно только с высоты нескольких десятков километров. У супервулкана нет кратера, его заменяет все та же многокилометровая кальдера. Супервулкан не извергается, а именно взрывается, и взрыв его по мощности превосходит обычные вулканические извержения во много тысяч раз.
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