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Пишет putnik1 ([info]putnik1)
@ 2011-02-18 21:54:00

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2011-02-18 22:28 (ссылка)
То есть что, кровавый режим пока даже одного протестанта не застрелил? Отстает. В оплоте 5-го оплота демократии уже то ли 10, то ли 30 человек застрелили - и ничего, ласково журят: http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/frontpage/2011/0219/1224290288542.html
The number of dead was put at between 10 and 30, but it was difficult to establish the full extent of fatalities and injuries. There were also claims that paramedics were being prevented by state security forces from treating the wounded as they lay on the streets in front of army tanks.

One doctor said that the army was “shooting to kill” because most of the injured had suffered shots to the head and chest.

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