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Mar. 4th, 2024|10:39 pm
Well, the Word of Science is one of Restriction, if you think about it, as any Law (as well as one of a scientific kind, since humanity retrogressively likened repeated causation-correlation patterns to some sort of metaphysical order or LAW) states "what is", hence putting and deeming certain events or occurrences as "non-real", "improbable" or even plainly "wrong".
Something that your favourite pidoras Aleister Crowley could have espoused.
On the other hand, magickal Word is not of Restriction, but rather of infinite actuality and potentiality.
If a scientist wants to see an elf-bimbo, rainbow unicorn gaylord party on Venus, he would have to make that idea comply with his harsh mistress Science first, whether for a true magician just a thought of such lovely gathering would suffice and ta-da! - he is on Venus attending the party!
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