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Apr. 14th, 2024|02:07 pm
Yep. Putin is the majority of simple grey people, and the majority of simple grey people is Poutin.
Putin, btw, just like weblen loves schizotericism (in the form of shamanism) and is a supporter of absolutism and hates democracy. Btw, both Putin and weblen are completely unaware of the red messianic milenarist project and probably hate Arkady Gaidar's prose (Putin is a latent anti-Soviet and a big hedonist, similar to the oligarch Sprouts from "dunno on the Moon"). So you're right 'bout the towers-transmitters (recall Strugatsky's novel 'Prisoners of Power'). (It's a common phenomenon among modern russian average people (collective Putin) to love ezoterism (magikcal thinkin') and absolutism (a firm hand will put something in order...).) towers-transmitters should be destroyed, Putin should be in cage, and the victims of info-radiation should be sent to a rehabilitative center for victims of any sorta occultism in Zelenokumsk town -- that's what I've been writing 'bout all along...
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