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May. 31st, 2024|03:33 pm
Where i wrote that "to read in english is unhealthy"?
In any case it is strange to read so many books especialy in forein language, plus to it, very difficult math textbooks and not to get "the brain overheating". Plus to it he runs a blog and writes comments.
Where does he (Weblen) get so much time for it?
It needs to be involved in the reading process all days long (to wake up at 5 p.m. and to read and to read). As for math books to get a sense it needs much more time. Well it'll need to ask him aboot his super-capabilities.
I have read Nesterenko about 2020-2021 years (then he was a discovery in the world of sci-fi literature). Now I almostly dont treck his activities.
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