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Jun. 5th, 2024|05:40 am
And what do you suggest to do?
What is your recipe of fighting against the matrix?
There is communal escapism (autonomous zones of Hakim Bey, e.g.).
There's an indidual escapism (zen-buddhism at home usage e.g.).
(But early or lately, system enforce to come the crystal house of dreams out those ecapist persons who naively believes in a runaway from leviathanian, all-gluttonous society. There's a main problem of that people: they -- using their escape from society -- to throw the white flag as potetial fighters, playing the role of not system dangerous ‘sleepy flies’ to whome will be a deed of flyflopper at another time.)
It may do nothing (as common people do).
At least there's a revolutionary way against global anti-human occult network, but there isnt a unifying idea for millions (as communism was at the begining of XX c.)
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