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Пишет scofieldmichael ([info]scofieldmichael)
@ 2021-03-03 13:09:00

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every Saturday
Described as presenting "a variety of theatrical motion pictures in a new, viewer and advertiser friendly format, not seen on broadcast television to date, films featured on Movies! as of primarily consist movierulzfree of releases from, but the network also shows content from , ReTV, Peter Rodgers Organization, Multicom Entertainment Group, Proven Entertainment, Xenon Pictures and Legacy Distribution. Before January , the network primarily aired releases from Century Fox. The network's film roster concentrates mainly on classic films from the 1s, though in recent years, films from the and select films from thes are also played. As of, Movies! broadcasts featured movie presentations movierulz plz such as Noir to Die For all day every Thursday, Saturday Morning Movies! consisting of films from the Hopalong Cassidy, Laurel and Hardy and Blondie franchises, Popcorn Movies! every Saturday afternoon, Definitive Movies! every Saturday night and Sunday Night.

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2021-03-03 13:24 (ссылка)
«Ока» (ВАЗ-1111*, СеАЗ-1111*, КамАЗ-1111*, Астро 11301) — советский и российский легковой автомобиль I группы особо малого класса, первый переднеприводный автомобиль для инвалидов.

Цилиндров 2
Клапанов 4
Макс. скорость 120 км/ч
Разгон до 100 км/ч 25 сек


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