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Humanology Oct. 10th, 2016|09:07 pm
the rape laws have no place in an egalitarian society. rape as a separate crime (as opposed to other sorts of violence) stems from the PROPERTY RIGHTS, not personal rights -- it is that rape originally was considered a property crime -- this is why it is separated from the crimes against a person, such as beating someone up.

Chris Cross:
That is such nonsense that it is the saddest thing I ever heard.

For example the Hammurabi code lists the victims of a rape these are a husband of a raped woman, her father (if unmarried), her eldest brother (if fatherless) in the order of precedence -- these people are eligible for compensation for a rape. This is because the rape DEVALUES the woman they possess.

That society failed long ago! I bet you're one of those that doesn't understand that my and mine can show relationship as well as ownership.
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