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Пишет Abu Antos' ([info]syarzhuk)
@ 2002-05-13 20:23:00

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A Бoг ягo вeдae
Ляпiс Трубяцкi, "Рaнeтae сэрцa", aрыгiнaл тут

God knows what

Whispered you to me: Please forgive, my friend
I'll fly to the south, this will be the end
Just a lil' grey duck, just a girl I am
Love was just a joke - this will be the end

We have walked together, spent our feelings and
Now please, my baby, please go to your friends
Try to catch some pretty little butterflies
Or collect some stamps - that's the way love dies

What what what what what what what what what
Oh my wounded heart it's so sore it's so hot
What what what what what what what what what
I don't have a life
I don't have a life
I don't have a life, but
God knows what
1, 2, 3
God knows what
4, 5, 6
God knows what
8, 9, 10
God knows what
11, 12

You are telling me I can't kiss at all
I can train myself - I can hold a ball
You are telling me - I'm not hip enough
Oh my little baby, I'll try not to laugh

You are telling me I am immature
If we'll have a baby - you are not so sure
Where we'll get the money to buy Pampers' and
I'm too negative to live with 'til end

If you're leaving me - I'll wish you good luck
But the day you'll leave I will scream "Oh, fuck!"
Kiss whoev'r you want, date whoever will
Buy the Pampers' for your baby at will

But you will remember my last name not once
You'll remember flowers that I brought you once
Youth can only happen one time in your life
If you spit at love - prepare for a dive

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